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Light flooded my senses and a warm tingle filled my stomach, the world around me had disappeared and now I was standing in an off white light, at the end of the light was a pit of eerie darkness. It seemed unnerving and I didn't want to go near it, though people usually say not to walk towards the light but that's what I was going to do. Drawing closer I noticed a woman at the end of the light, she had her pale hand outstretched to me and she had a smile on her face, not quite a toothy grin but a subtle closed smile. From where I was standing I couldn't make out her features or anything below her waist but from what I could see she had jaw length, messy, dark golden brown hair which seemed as if it was flowing. To me she seemed alluring even if I couldn't see her face and suddenly she began singing. A soft melody rung in my ears and I seemed to lose control of myself, my feet began to move on their own, slowly pacing towards the woman. Not only was I walking towards the mysterious lady but I was also walking towards the light, it got brighter as I moved forwards and my gut was screaming at me to stop, attempting to warn me of the things to come. The woman's smile grew and you could now see two rows of sharp teeth lined up and ready to kill, my fear grew and I attempted to turn my body around but it wouldn't stop. About two feet from the woman she reached her hand out further and a sticky webbed hand gripped my arm, pulling me closer. My body was now shaking in fear, the fear directed at the unknown woman, and I was beginning to hyperventilate. She leaned in closer to me and attempted to connect out lips, that was until I heard a faint yell,

"Scylla!" it was quiet and seemed like it was coming from miles away, but the voice came again, louder this time, "Scylla!".

After seconds, I was brought back to consciousness, laying on my bed. I was panting, hyperventilating and crying, it reminded me of the feeling that I got when Aleksander was around. Standing above me was Furze, his face was filled with panic, when he saw me awake he started questioning me, talking with a million words a second seemed to be his theme today. I called out his name multiple times and yet he didn't listen to me but someone else did.

"He won't answer, he's not who he says he is..." the voice spoke to me, I looked around the room and yet no one was there, "don't try and look for me, you won't find me... Say? Did you like my flowers? You know what they mean, right?" 

My mind filled with hundreds of possibilities and yet none made sense.. A woman's voice was in my head and Furze couldn't hear her or maybe he could but he was ignoring her, though I don't see why he would.

"How cute.. You think I'm just 'some woman'" she spoke again, "I can hear all your thoughts y'know.."  the woman from my dream, if I could even call it that, came to my head, though this couldn't possibly be her.

**She leaned in closer to me connecting our lips in the process, she smiled into the kiss and my stomach felt weak..**

My body shook, I couldn't stop thinking about what would have happened if Furze hadn't pulled me out of there. I moved swiftly, swinging my legs over the side of the single wooden bed and hugged Furze as tight as humanly possible. He seemed shocked at my actions, chuckled lightly and then hugged me back. Drawing circles on my back, he attempted to calm me down after the scary experience yet my mind wouldn't stop racing with thoughts.

**She leaned in closer to me, baring her teeth and biting straight into my dark flesh**

Hundreds of possibilities...

**She leaned in closer to me and I took my last breath as she wrapped her webbed fingers around my neck and squeezed**

My body continued shaking... A cold sweat rolled down my hot skin leaving me in a flush. My mind was in panic mode and didn't have any sign of going back to normal any time soon, this just made the panic and anxiety worse for me. Furze stopped stroking my back and I closed my eyes, still in the hug. He started humming and I felt a cold object touch my back, his grip tightened on me and my eyes shot open, he pushed the object slightly into my back but not enough to draw blood. 

He let go of the object and it dropped onto the sheets behind me, he gripped both of my shoulders and pulled me away from him, fear was evident on both of our faces but something struck me as odd. Furze's eyes were a blood red colour that showed anger rather than his usual golden, shiny eyes that were filled with happiness and curiosity; looking at the red pool in front of me was terrifying, never in the time that I had known Furze did he have red eyes. In the Aexevia Kingdom, having red eyes was seen to link to the Siren's curse, yet all Sirens were female so it was impossible for Furze to be linked. 

Peering behind me, I saw a red hilted silver dagger with a large crimson stain at the tip of the blade. I slowly backed myself up to the wall closest to the door leading to the living room, Furze's expression changed to one of pure sadness and he looked as if he was going to cry a river. He stood up and moved towards me,

"No, please.. Stay away from me.." I whispered in fear, 

"What.. are you talking about, Scy?" 

"Don't play dumb! You know what you did, please leave." I raised my voice more than I usually do. I may be 14 but having no parents has left me to fend for myself, I'm not gullible or naive like the other girls in the village, honestly I don't understand how they could be so stupid. Furze is an idiot if he thinks he can lie to me, it's blatantly obvious what he did, there's a dagger laying on my bed and he was the one holding it. I don't understand what his motives were but they clearly weren't intended to humour me. "Please.. just leave.." my voice seemed to get quieter and crack with disappointment. After 11 years of my life, I find that Furze has wanted to do this for so long, why didn't he just kill me when he had the chance?

Furze walked through my bedroom door to the living space and after a couple of seconds I heard the door open and shut. I let out a loud sigh as salty tears rolled down my cheeks, my chest tightening whilst doing so. I subconsciously decided to stand up, I straightened out the bedsheets and picked up the silver dagger, placing it in the draw of my wooden bedside table. I looked up above my bed and through the window, I didn't want to see the light so I closed the cream curtains and blew out the three candles hanging from the ceiling.

I sat on my bed whilst thinking of who I trust and there came no names and no faces, I thought I could trust Furze but apparently I was sorely mistaken. Laying down, I decided it would be best to sleep all the thoughts away and as everything faded to black I forgot about everything that happened that night. A dreamless sleep was what accompanied me through the night.

Water's Light   #LGBTQ+Where stories live. Discover now