Chapter 2

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With your new companion by your side, you both set out the way you had just came, and also the way that the wolf was.

Before proceeding through the gap in the fence, you tell Leon about the wolf. Seemingly disconcerted, he pushed on without hesitating.

Upon seeing the wolf, Leon approached the wounded animal with surprising gentleness. Carefully and slowly opening the bear trap, the wolf sprang out and ran off over the adjacent fence.

Carrying on, the two of you approached a small clearing just past the bear trap. Ready to just walk through the trees, Leon's arm blocks you.

Pointing at the trees you were about to walk through, you noticed wires. Connected to the wires and mounted on the trees were what looked to be explosives. Good thing he was more observant than you were.

Upon exiting the clearing, you heard more unfamiliar yelling. Staying back, you let Leon take care of them, this time not hearing any gunshots..

Catching up to Leon again, you came across a rickety looking wooden bridge. Crossing it made it feel more unsafe, but luckily the bridge held.

Walking for another five minutes, the two of you approached a small village. It looked like about a dozen people were milling about, but Leon told you they weren't people. They were zombies.

Leon also clued you in on the fact that the exit was on the other side of the village, probably barred by more of the same people you had already encountered.

Leon tells you to stay back where you were, but you were sure there was some way you could help.

You decide to...

A) Listen to Leon and stay back, hidden in the trees.

B) Ignore Leon's instructions and attempt to help him get through the village.

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