Decision A

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Obeying Leon's orders, you stayed put and began to watch the professional at work. Sneaking into the village appeared to be a breeze for the agent.

Even from where you were standing, you could tell you didn't want to go anywhere near the people who lived there.

One of the officers that Leon told you about was hanging crucified in a bonfire in the middle of the village.

The animals seemed normal enough and so did the people, at first glance. When you looked closer, however, you could tell they were far from normal.

All of them had a sickly grayish colored skin tone and they all dressed as though they were from the western frontier.

Looking back at the task at hand, you noticed Leon still steadily working his way around the outer perimeter of the village. That was, before you were grabbed.

Two stray zombies had wandered out of the village when you were busy thinking about Leon.

Spinning around, you hoped to see another path to run through, but there were none. Your only choice was to fight.

Lunging for one of the zombie's weapons, you were able to grab a sickle. Careful not to slice your fingers off, you stood in a more guarded position, weapon in front of your face. The next zombie to lunge at you was going to have one hell of a surprise.

The unfortunate zombie who was closest was victim to your first attack: a stab to the abdomen. Spurting out blood the injured zombie fell yo the ground dead.

While dealing with the first one, the second one has went behind you and was now biting down on your neck, attempting to take flesh with him.

Picking up your right leg and donkey-kicking the zombie seemed to work, even though it hurt like hell to lose that much flesh at once. You could feel blood dripping from the large wound.

Taking one step forward, you took the sickle and with one smooth motion, cut the remaining zombie's head clean off.

Grissly blood spilled from his neck and onto your clothes. Great, you thought. More stains to remove from yet another pair of clothes.

Looking back at the village, all of the zombies had disappeared. Catching back up to Leon the two of you carried on through the village, leaving your damaged sickle behind. It wouldn't be useful anymore.

Noticing your now bloodstained clothes, Leon offered his coat. Not caring who or what saw, you happily take off your grungy shirt, you put on the warm jacket. Thanking Leon, you noticed a faint rosy color in his cheeks. Was he blushing?

Pushing the thought out of your mind for the moment,  the two of you carried on, coming to a pair of large gates at the other side of the village. Before you passed through, however, he handed you a game changer, and your first weapon: a shotgun that he had found in the village.

Thanking him profusely, you both passed through the gates of the village. Carrying on into the unknown.

Continue to chapter 3

*You have obtained a shotgun and Leon's coat

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