Decision B

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As the villager steadily approached, you figured you would let them figure it out on their own. They hadn't listened to you when you tried to warn them.

It wasn't just that though. You didn't want them to die, you had just figured that if you were to call out or distract the villager that you would have no means as to defend yourself.

"Do something cop!", Luis yelled.

"After you!"

Instead, you did something. "Hey!", you shouted at the villager. Now having his attention, you could see Leon and Luis frantically trying to free themselves from their handcuffs.

Now with the executioner walking towards you, you realized you really didn't have a plan. With him steadily drawing closer, you did the only thing you could think of: you kicked him in the groin.

Apparently zombies can't feel pain, or at least not this one. The kick only seemed to anger him. Now approaching you at twice the speed, you no choice but to scream before  everything went black.

Ending 2/?: The Executioner

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