Chapter 1

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I hereby dedicate this chapter to @Kingoftheladder

If I died right now, no one in the world would miss me. I have no friends or family. Just Rider, who's a total ladies man. Only a few hours ago, did I come across a strange little girl. She had asked me what I was humming, so I told her. But then she broke into this fit of terror and her eyes liquefied and her brains ran down through her nostrils. She had said, "Find Levi, he is our only hope now. Jaclyn, you must save us!" Then she collapsed on the beach of Cawatchi pond. So I did what I always do...I ran.

I have been running all my life because I don't want to get too close to someone or hurt the person I have already come close to. In this case, I wouldn't be able to get far enough away....

Yes, I ran. I ran all the way to my car in the parking lot, but its still technically running. I opened the door and put the key in the ignition. I pressed the gas for ten seconds and then pressed the brake, realizing that I didn't shut my door.

I quickly shut my door and drove all the way to Rider's house. His house is unbelievable. There's a pool, a garden, a gym, a living room, 30 bedrooms and 42 bathrooms. Did I mention his family is rich? Its not family money though, it came from stealing, lying, and cheating. Rider's great grandfather started it all. How do I know the history? By snooping, asking around, asking Rider himself. But those at some crazy stories for another messed up day. Just not this messed up day.

I pulled into the parking lot,(you wouldn't believe how many cars one person can drive) got out of the car, and ran to find Rider to tell him what had just happened.

Long story short, he was in the kitchen making a turkey sandwich. And he makes a mean turkey sandwich.

"Rider, you wont I'm telling you...little girl...she did this thing with her...and then Levi...not my problem...ran door...drove here...find you...sandwich!" Did I mention that when I'm under severe stress, I can't form an actual sentence to save my pathetic life?

He just looked at me, he understood my stress related sentence issue, and shook his head. He put down the honey mustard he was about to put on his sandwich and leaned against the counter.

"Jaclyn, you need to get that under control. If something stressed you out, you need to calm down, take a VERY deep breath, and then speak. Don't just blabber and form utter nonsensical words." I was surprised he even talked to me. He hasn't talked to me in days, weeks, I lost count.

So I did. Then I told him my story, and that did not go over well.

"You need to get more sleep, go do that right now, and I'll take you out for dinner and buy you a whole new wardrobe. Honestly, you cannot go out in public looking like that, it'll ruin my rep. Now shoo, before I force you out for bothering me." He made a hand gesture meaning, go-away-peasant, and I went to my amazing room.

My room was basically red and black. Red bed, black walls, red dresser, black floor. It wasn't much, but boy was it beautiful. It was the only place I could go and actually think straight without interruptions. I fell on my bed, and collapsed into a safe haven of comfort.


I was in the middle of a room made of gold. The furniture was just a desk, a loveseat, a sofa, and a waiting room chair that usually see in hospitals.

"Is there a Jaclyn Evers here? Jaclyn Grace Evers?" A woman at the desk said, looking around the room. Her hair was dark and pulled into a fancy bun, and she just looked like one of those front desk people.

I also looked around the room, seeing that no one else was there, I stood up. I went to the desk.

"Excuse me Miss? Where am I?" She nodded as if she understood. She pointed to a door that did not belong in the room. It was red with a gold plated door handle. It seemed as if it took forever to get there, but when I did, I saw a plaque on the door, not big enough to see, JACLYN'S ROOM, it read. So, in utter curiosity and beautiful wonder, I opened it.

And what I saw amazed me.

It was ME, lying on my beautiful bed. In the same position I fell asleep in.

"Its a wonderful thing, is it not? Watching someone sleep?" Someone was sitting on the edge of my bed. Watching me sleep. I should think of that as creepy, but I didn't. I was dreaming.

The person turned their head, and I saw a man. Well, more like an aged teen. He had light brown hair, striking blue eyes, and just looked very kind.

" Hello Jaclyn. I see one of my people have told you to find me." I looked at him in a confused manner. What did he mean? Who told me to find who?

"One of my angels told you to find me. I am not who you think I am though. There is no Him. There is only us. The angels." It was then I understood. The angel on the beach. I didn't want to believe it now, I still don't want to believe it. Angels.

"Are you Levi?" I asked him.

"Yes, I am he. But I am prompted to tell you that I cannot help you in any way possible. Come awake now." He smiled kindly, though it didnt look genuine, it looked as if it caused him pain, and snapped his fingers.


I jolted up in bed, gasping as if exhausted. What the hell just happened? Was that an out of body experience you hear hippies talk about? Or was it just a dream involving stress related issues? Or maybe it actually happened....

No Jaclyn! Get a hold of yourself, stop being an idiot. You have too much of an imagination. I told myself.

But that wasn't working, because only right then, as I actually took my time to look around the room, did I notice someone. A man in a black cloak smiling kindly at me.

" Why are you looking at me?" He whispered as if I wasn't actually there. I screamed.

"Who are you, and why do you look like the guy from my dream?!" I whisper-yelled. I then pulled the blankets higher above my chest, which was hard to do because he's sitting on my bed.

"You can see me! How can you see me? Hush now, someone's coming, act as if you were asleep little one." He stroked my cheek creepily, but I found that I didn't mind. I did what he told me to.

Then my door opened.

"Jaclyn? Are you awake? What happened?" Whispered Rider. Oh no, Rider can't come in here, he'll find the man in my room! Wait, why did I care about him finding the man in my room? He meant nothing to me, didn't he?

Eventually, Rider left, and seconds after that, I fell back to sleep.


I know this was short, but you got to meet Rider! Tell me what you thought of him, give me names and such, both boys and girls, and creatures, those are important.

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