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Why has no one voted much? Or commented? Here's a challenge: five votes and seven comments for the next chapter. Whoever votes and comments, I will give you my Skype, Tumblr, and/or Kik. By the way, I'm only 14, turning 15, so don't try anything funky! When someone votes and comments, also comment with your age and gender, then private message me your Skype, Tumblr, or Kik. Or all three. Seem like too much work? Then just vote and comment your age and gender, and I will private message you my usernames for whichever one you want.

I am also writing a new book called Not Your Average Fairytale. It is amazing! And it took me forever to get the idea for it. So add that to your library and read it. I update at least once a week on that book.

I am taking suggestions for a new book starting in 3...2...1...GO!!!

Don't forget, 5 votes and 7comments. Then boom! Instant Skype, Tumblr, or Kik. But also add your gender and age. Remember I am 14. Don't try anything!

Thank you!

-Liv (14 turning 15)

Hello again. Why won't anyone read this? I can do better with more persuasion!!! Just vote and/or comment and I will write the next chapter.

Not being too pushy am I?


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2014 ⏰

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