Chapter 2

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Dedicated, again, to @Kingoftheladder, because they are just awesome and I think, the only person reading this book.

That weird dream thing never happened to me again.

The end.

Wait, did you really think that's the end of all the interesting parts? Well newsflash, its not. After I fell asleep, someone had left a note under my door.

I look forward to meeting you again, Jaclyn.

And that was it. Nothing told me who it was from, I didn't recognize the handwriting, and it wasn't messy at all, and I know a lot of messy writers believe it or not.

I knew it wasn't Rider, I had already interrogated him. He's the worst liar imaginable. Hr said that his hand writing isn't that neat and that he would never creep me out like that unless I was a man. He is very old fashioned and respectable, you wouldn't guess that if you had just met him. Sure he thinks he's the most attractive man on earth and can seduce someone in thirty seconds, but he is a respectable man.

I searched for any evidence that the man from my dreams (not like that) was actually in my room. I couldn't find any, I also couldn't find any evidence that he wasn't either.

So I went outside and traveled through the garden. It's one of the most peaceful places I have ever been to. There are butterflies flocking to every single flower, colors everywhere, and just what has to be the most beautiful flowers imaginable. Being rich must have its perks.

I sit down on a cute little park bench and just watch the sky from above. The clouds moving, birds flying overhead, bugs zipping through the air...

"Fancy seeing you again, Jaclyn." It was the man from last night, the one that sat on the edge of my bed. Levi.

"I don't need crazy in my life. If you don't leave me alone, I'm gonna call the police." I threatened. He starts chuckling and raises his hands in surrender.

"Go ahead, call the police. I'm so scared." He over exaggerates in sarcasm. Suddenly, he sits down on the bench beside of me and rests his arm behind me.

"You're just a part of my imagination. You're not actually there." I said to myself more than to him. He leaned forward a bit and smiled a huge grin.

"Then why are you talking to me?" It was only then did I realize, a butterfly had landed on top of his head without him realizing it. Slowly and carefully, I reached for the butterfly and it willingly crawled up my finger. I stood up to put it on a flower, and brought it to a rose behind the bench.

"Beautiful wonder that is." He interrupted my peace. But I didn't mind, he cast a sort of calming vibe in the area, even the bugs seemed to be affected by it. They were sitting completely still, no wings flapping, no fluttering of butterflies, nothing.

"Isn't it beautiful wonder, Jaclyn? Earth, humans, animals, the such? They mean so much more than what they truly seem to mean." He whispered in my ear. I turned around and saw that he wasn't there anymore.

I told you so, self. A simple figment of your imagination.


Later that day, Rider and I went out to dinner, the downside: we went to Hooters, the upside: food and more delicious food. But I nearly up chucked my fries cause every time a chick walked by, Rider felt the need to lead her to the women's bathroom and feel her up. How did I know this? Because on the third woman, I had to seriously go to the bathroom. So I went and found Rider groping some waitress named Leya(I saw her name tag). I immediately left, but not before Rider saw me.

Rider drove us home from Hooters, but it was a long car ride. We started off by listening to modern music, then just silence.

"What you saw in there today, that's who I am Jaclyn. I can't change that about myself. What can I say, I like chicks. All men do. Its just that all the time I want a girl, know what I mean?" He said. What an embarrassing thing to say!

"Yeah, I know." I mumbled into my hand. My elbow was currently resting on the window.

"So why did you walk in on me and that chick? We were this close to-"

"Stop right there!" I did not need to hear this right now, especially when it was his 'love' life. "I had to go to the bathroom, and so, since that was the only women's bathroom in the joint, I went to that one, where I found you feeling up that waitress. So don't be yelling at me cause I simply had to go to the bathroom!" The rest if the car ride consisted of him humming to himself, and me looking out my window, cause I sure as hell wasn't looking at him.

When we arrived at the Scrampton mansion and I opened my passenger door before Rider could even bother to open it like a gentleman. I ran, like I always do, to my room. Where, on my bed, I find a bouquet of roses and a beautiful card with a spiderweb and dewdrops on it titled, 'Beautiful Wonder'. This guy, Levi, was seriously starting to creep me out. I opened the card and read it.

'My Dear Jaclyn,

I have been severely fascinated by you and to my surprise, I feel that I should help you. When you get this note, tell your buddy that you want to go to the beach where you first met one of my angels. Go to the rock with the many people on it. But do not fret, they will let you pass when you tell them two simple words. You know them, nobody else does. They are our words and will forever be, too. See you soon!

Your Guardian Angel, Levi

My guardian angel? Since when did I have a guardian angel? And the weird guy from my dreams of all people! I collapse on my bed and think it over. Tomorrow, I thought. Tomorrow, I go to the beach.


I need ideas! Names, creatures, and can someone make a cover please? This cover stinks like smelly cheese! Don't tell my cover I said that.


P.S. I want four comments and three votes for the next chapter. Get your friends to read, get them to vote, get them to do your homework, pay them, but I am not writing the next chapter unless I get four comments and three votes. And that does not include myself.

Beautiful WonderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant