Chapter 3

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I woke up early in the morning because I had set an alarm clock. It went off two hours earlier than expected. I took a quick shower, put my long brown hair into a braid, put some jet black mascara on my eyelashes, and, because my blue eyes looked red, I put in some eye drops. When I went downstairs, I found Rider with, yes, you guessed it: a girl. They were making out on the couch with his hands shamelessly feeling her up. It wasn't until I knocked did they notice I was there. He looked up at me angrily, and the girl pulled his face back towards her. It was that waitress from last night, Leya.

"I'm going to the beach. Just letting you know. Carry on my wayward son." I announced, then briskly left. My car was waiting for me in the parking lot. My blue, 2014 Lotus Evora. My baby. I clean her every week, myself, so no one scratches her. That's how much I love her. I hopped in and then thought, why in the world am I going to do what Levi says? Don't I have a choice?

But the answer is no.

I am too curious, and, my mind feels that it should point out, my guardian angel is freaking HOT. And honestly, who can say no to an angel that looks like he belongs in GQ? No one can. Not even me, and I have self restraint. Okay, maybe I don't have that much...fine! I don't have any self restraint whatsoever! Deal with it.

I start up my car and push on the gas. I hit speeds of up to 110 mph just getting there. And I couldn't have gotten there any faster. I was such an impatient person. I can see the rock Levi was talking about, the one with all the people on it. They were either talking or sun bathing. Or looking at the beautiful view of the beach.

I started towards the rock. When I got there, there was a note. And another bouquet. But not of roses this time, daisies. I went to pick them up, but my hand passed right through it.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself. Is this a hologram or something? I picked up the note and read it, luckily it was actually there and not a hologram thin

Lovely Jaclyn,

These people are sort of real. If you think hard enough, you will know what they are. Now, why am I sending you these letters? Because these letters are information. They are coated in salt and holy water to make sure ghosts nor demons can get at them. If a demon lays eyes on it, it will disintegrate. Well, the letter will. It would be nice if the demon did instead of the letter though. If you run into any danger along the way, I'm right beside you, don't worry. I got your back.

With Guardianship, Levi

I bet no one else had a better guardian angel than I did. He's hot, nice, an ANGEL, and he's got my back. Beat that other guardian people! Yeah, I said it.

"Levi? Are you here right now?" God did I sound crazy.

There is no God, Jaclyn, only us. I heard him say from nearby.

Well that answered my question. So I nodded to let him know I understood. But why couldn't I see him?

I went around the people, nearly hitting some but I managed to fall through the last one. Yes, I said through. If I had to guess the first time, it would have been holograms. But now....

"Ghosts." I whispered.

I felt the air whoosh out of me and the blast of icy coldness coarse through my body. I had never experienced this, so I was very scared.

Calm down, Jaclyn, it will soon pass. Relax, calm down, I am right here. How was he doing that? I didn't know if he was somehow in my head or just speaking normally.

I sat down as far as I could away from the creepy cold ghosts and just took a short little break in the action.

"You could always lean against the tree, its more comfortable than sitting on the bumpy ground" Levi said in my ear. Only this time, he wasn't just invisible.

"So, want to explain where I'm going?" He shook his head. Then grinned.

"No, I want to tell you where you're going." I smiled at his play on words, then started to pick at the ground with my fingernails.

"You are going to help me and other angels save humans." I looked at the very serious face upon him and broke out into a fit of laughter. But he didn't show any sign of joking whatsoever.

"You're not joking? You are being totally serious?" He nodded his head in an impatient and annoyed sort of manner.

"I am being very serious, Jaclyn. Guardian angels cannot lie to their other half." I laughed very hard at that.

"Other half? As in soulmates? How is that even believable? We are different species!" I exclaimed.

"Do not jump to conclusions. Other half means the one person you are supposed to protect all your life." I understand now. Basically, angels are assigned a human, and they watch over them until they die. The humans, anyway.

"Why do we have guardian angels? What do we need guarding from?" He smiled even bigger than before. He gestured for a knuckle punch and I hesitantly gave one back.

"That's the question I've been looking for! You have guardian angels because there is evil in the world. Every time a human is born, so is an angel and a demon. Good to balance out the evil. We are like the angel and devil sitting atop your shoulders per say."

"So your the angel on my shoulder? Who's the demon?" He nodded and sat down with me.

"Her name is Leya."


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