Chapter 4

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Okay, I lied. I just couldn't wait to start another chapter! Forgive me?


P.S. the picture is from a friend of mine, @DestielShipper2014. So, hail Hydra I guess.


"What do you mean? That bimbo hanging out with Rider? She's a freaking demon? A freaking bimbo demon?" I quickly sat down. I don't know why though, its not like we had a special connection or anything special. I didn't trust her, hell, I hardly even knew her!

"Jaclyn? Are you alright?" Levi set his hand upon my shoulder in a comforting gesture, but soon it had turned into a hug. And I was crying in his perfect arms. I pulled away when I realized how embarrassing this must be.

"Get ahold of yourself, Jackie. You can deal with this. Just forget about the freaky otherworldly stuff and you can live your life like it was before the angel girl." I started pacing back and forth, thinking how my life now had an impact on my future. Conclusion: big impact.

"Jaclyn. Stop." I ignored him and kept walking back and forth. In the woods, that is a huge accomplishment because there are roots and random bumps everywhere.

"Demons. Demons are real. Angels are very real because one is standing right over there. And I am not imagining this"

"Jaclyn, come here." Levi was starting to get impatient.

"Oh my frigging god! Demons and angels and ghosts are real! How in the world has this gone unnoticed?"

"Jaclyn! Shut up!" Levi yelled and pushed me to the ground, landing on top of me. What the hell was he doing?

"Get off-" I couldn't finish. He put his hand over my mouth and he put his other hand to his mouth. He mouthed the word, quiet. I nodded in understanding, though I wish he would get off of me.

I heard the crunching of leaves and snapping of twigs. We just had to be really still so we wouldn't make the same noises. I looked up and saw Levi just staring at nothing on the ground beside me. Was he spacing out?

I tried to pull his hand off of my mouth gently, so that I didn't make a noise with my movement or startle him. But his hand didn't budge. So, being the immature being that I am, I locked his hand. Which got his attention.

"What the hell was that for?" He glared at me. I never knew him for swearing or being angry. Then again, I hardly even knew him at all.

I licked his hand again, but put more saliva on it. I hope that makes him realize that I am not the type of chick to mess with. But instead he leaned down to my ear and whispered.

"Stop that." I only smiled. Then bit his hand instead of licking it. He smirked and mouthed, that doesn't hurt. And he smiled that cute adorable-

"I see you've found your angel Sweetie." Said a woman. I couldn't turn to see her. Levi lifted his head up and I could see his wings sprouting from his back. They were jet black and had the most beautiful hue. In the right light, they looked like an oil slick. And oil slicks are beautifully amazing.

"Leya, leave before I banish you to hell." He growled. But Leya seemed to think differently. He got off of me, but told me to stay put on the ground.

"Listen angel, I don't know who you think you are, but humans are off limits. Even the one you are protecting from me. No angel-human relationships allowed." She was up in his face, enunciating the words clearly, so that in no way possible, could he not understand them.

"Wait, you think Levi and I are...?" I left the possibility hanging. She chuckled.

"Why yes, yes I do indeed. And you have to stay away from each other whether or not you are seeing one another. Toodaloo kitties, see you in Hell." She melted into the ground in a pool of dark ink.

I stood up and instantly Levi was at my side.

"Are you hurt? Do you need anything?" I wimced as he touched the bump on the back of my head. Somehow, I hit my head as he pushed me to the ground.

"Yeah, I do need something, come to think of it." His eyes widened.

"What is it?"

"A better life. Preferably not full of craziness and demons. The angels I can handle. But the demons can cease to exist." He laughed and helped me up.

"Sorry, but I don't think that will ever happen in your lifetime. And if it doesn't happen in yours, it won't happen in mine either." We started walking until what he said registered in my mind and I stopped walking alongside him.

"What do you mean, 'it won't happen in mine either'?" He also stopped walking through the woods.

"Well, when angels are born, they are immediately given a child to protect. We are babies when the humans are too. We have the same lifespan. If you die, I die. But if I die, you won't. The demon on the other hand, almost impossible to kill."

I only nodded and kept walking until we came to a cave. Levi called it the Cave of Angels.

"Way to be subtle."

"Follow me, and discover a whole new world." He gestured for me to enter the cave before he did.

"Cheesy much?" I replied to his offer. It sounded like it belonged in a story book. I entered the cave, and what I found, astounded me.


I dedicate this chapter to @KingoftheLadder cause they have stuck with this book and commented on how good it was when I needed it the most. So thank you.

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