A Commoner and a Queen

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The sun began to set as you neared the river with a bow and arrow in your hand. A soft wind brushed past your face as you knelt down to take a sip of water. You had been traveling for hours and finally needed to rest. You took off the small bag off your back and opened it to reveal some food for yourself. Soon it would be dark, and you needed to find some sort of shelter to keep you warm.

Most of the time you spent traveling through different kingdoms finding any job you could to earn a little bit of money. However, you enjoyed the freedom of being able to walk the land and not have to abide by any rules. Nature seemed to practically call you when you were in the city.

You strolled over to nearby cave that lay below a cliff. You started to settle down for the night when you heard a scream in the distance. At first you thought it was just the wind, but you heard the scream once more. You walked out of the cave and saw a young girl with strawberry blonde hair running towards the river. A large man was following her with a dagger in his hand.

"Come back!" He yelled as he gained ground on the girl. You grabbed your bow and aimed at the brute man. You let go of the arrow and watched it plunge into the man's left shoulder. He turned to look at his assailant.

"Why you little..." he said as he charged at you with his dagger. You luckily dodged his advances and kicked him in his back. He fell fast forward into the dirt. He stood up and you kicked him in his face. He fell down again and you brought your bow right into his face.

"Leave the girl alone," you yelled. He quickly nodded his head. The man stood up and sprinted away from you.

You looked towards the girl and noticed how dangerously close she was to the river. You were about to call out to her when she lost her footing and fell right into the water. You dropped your belongings and jumped head first into the cold water. You grabbed her hand, hooked her arm around your shoulder, and took her back to shore. You placed her on the bank, and took off your jacket. You ran to your bag and pulled out a blanket for her.

"Thank you," she said. You smiled at her and helped her stand up. She turned to you and noticed that you were bleeding. The man had managed to cut your face slightly but you had not noticed it until now.

"You must come back with me to my home so we can treat your injury," the girl said.

"I will be fine," you replied. You grabbed your bow and bag and returned back to your cave. The girl followed you.

"I'm Anna by the way," she said, "Princess Anna of Arendelle."

You looked up when she said her title. You stood up and bowed before her. "Your majesty," you said.

"I order you to return to the castle with me," she declared. You rubbed the back of your neck and realized there was no way she would let you stay here. You rolled your eyes, but gathered your supplies and followed her back to the castle.

"Why were you out here by yourself, Princess?" You asked.

"I needed some fresh air. My sister has been driving me crazy lately. She has been much more protective these last fest weeks."

"I can see why. The man almost had his way with you," you replied.

"I need to be more careful when I sneak out from now on," she giggled.

"So your sister, she is a princess as well I assume?" You questioned.

"She's a queen. We lost our parents a few years back."

"I am so sorry for your loss, your majesty. I lost my parents when I was very young," you told her.

She grabbed your hand and you smiled at her. "Well, then I guess we were meant to be friends. What's your name?" She asked.

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