New Feelings

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A few days had passed since your last conversation with Elsa. You wondered who she loved and hope that maybe one of them was you. She had been busier with royal duties, but  you saw her sometimes, yet you avoided speaking to her. She didn't you, and no matter how much you wished you could change her mind, she could never be yours.

You wanted to leave Arendelle, but something was forcing you to stay. You thought at first it was because of the job at the bakery, but you knew what really was keeping you here.


You wandered the woods during the day, and at night you would sneak back in trying your best to not see the queen. Your heart broke more each time you saw her.

Anna accompanied you on one of the days out to forest. She too needed a break from the castle, and especially her sister. She had not spoken to Elsa since their argument. The castle was filled with anger and sadness, yet no one wanted to admit it.

At night you lay awake thinking of her. The softness of her hands. Her smooth skin. Her adorable giggle she tried so hard to hide. You wanted to go to her and hold onto her forever.

But you understood that she loved someone else. She fell in love with a prince, and you knew that it was for the best. You wanted to give her the world but you could barely afford the clothes on your back.

In the room next door, Elsa struggled to fall asleep as well. She thought of Henry and the fun she had with him the other day. He was charming and mature. He made her smile when she was feeling down.

She also thought of you. She loved how caring you were towards Anna. You were always so kind to her, even when she treated you horribly. You made her feel safe. She never lay her bare hands on anyone besides Anna, yet she often reached out to touch you.

She wanted to kiss you the other night.

She needed to kiss you.

But she knew that if she did, everything would change. She was a queen, and she was supposed to marry someone of royal blood. Her kingdom depended on it.

Didn't it?

She pondered for hours on her current situation. Her party would be coming sooner rather than later. She would have to make a decision by then.

You woke up suddenly in the middle of the night. No sounds could be heard in the castle. You stood up to take a walk. You passed by Elsa's room and heard her walking around. You softly knocked on the door.

Elsa swung open the door and stared at you. You immediately regretted your decision to invite her.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing up?"

"I can't sleep. I have a lot on my mind. And I heard you walking around, and I was wondering if you wanted to walk with me?" You asked.

She hesitated moment before nodding her head. You held out your hand for her and she happily took it. You wandered the castle for awhile in silence. Elsa cling onto your hand almost as though it would be the last time she got to touch you.

You stopped by the art room, and Elsa guided you inside. You sat down on the bench and stared at the wonderful pieces of art that hung on the walls. Each piece was so beautiful that you couldn't help but stare. Elsa giggle slightly when she saw your eyes.

"My mother loved to collect art," Elsa said.

"My mother used to paint. She was very talented. I wished I would've kept some of her pieces," You said.

Elsa leaned against your shoulder and nuzzled closer to you. You kissed the top of her head.

"I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk to you much. I've been very busy," Elsa lied. She didn't want to see you because she feared that she would only hurt you.

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