Early Morning

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A scream.

You woke up to the sound of a woman yelling in the room to your right. You stood up not realizing that you were only in a pair of trousers and a wrap around your chest. You rushed to the room and opened the door.

Elsa sat on her bed with her legs up to her chest crying. She looked up and saw you standing there with only a little bit of clothing. Her eyes wandered your body. You noticed what she was doing and tried to cover up your body. She let out a soft giggle.

"I'm sorry, you're majesty, but I heard a scream and rushed to see if you were okay. I didn't have enough time to change," you said.

"It's quite alright," Elsa said, "I was just having a nightmare."

You took a step closer to her and shut the door. Goosebumps appeared on Elsa's body as you neared her bed.

"Would you like to talk about it? I would hate to leave you in this condition right now," you replied. Your soft, yet strong voice made Elsa's heart flutter, but she quickly tried to dismiss these thoughts. However, she couldn't help but wonder what it felt like to have you sleep next to her.

"It's personal," Elsa said.

"Well, then maybe would you like to accompany me on a walk? I have found fresh air at night helps to relieve me when I have horrible dreams, especially when I was younger. I'm fortunate now that I can sleep well most nights, but occasionally my memories will come to haunt me when I least expect it," You whispered.

Elsa stared at you hovering over her. A strange feeling occurred in her lower abdomen and she tried to rid her mind of her thoughts. She didn't understand why she was feeling this way, and why out of all the people in the world, you were the cause of all of it.

Elsa hesitated for a moment before stepping of out the bed. She wore light blue undergarments and you blushed when you realized how bare the queen was tonight.

"I'm sorry, again, I should give you some privacy," you said while turning to leave the room.

She grabbed your arm and turned her towards you. "Just give me a second. I know the perfect place we can walk to."

You watched as the woman before you raised her hand and an ice dress appeared on her body. You took a step back in fear for a moment, but then found yourself moving closer to the queen. You heard the rumors of her powers, but you didn't believe them until now. You grabbed her hand and gently traced your finger over her palm. She shuddered at your touch.

"That was amazing," you said, "you just keep becoming more and more amazing."

Elsa blushed at your comment and grabbed your hand. She pulled you towards her bookcase on her back wall. She pulled a book out and a secret passage opened up. She pulled you down the staircase. You two ended up exiting right by the garden.

The large garden was vast and beautiful. Large trees guarded the outside world from peering into the hidden world. Bushes were perfectly trimmed and the large fountain in the center stood graceful by itself. You stared in awe at the scene before you. Elsa giggled when she saw your reaction.

"Do you like it?" She asked.

"I love it. It's one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen," you said not taking your eyes off the garden.

"My mother designed it. She definitely had an eye for beauty," Elsa said.

"Your majesty..."

"Please call me Elsa. I insist," Elsa said.

"Elsa, I am so sorry to hear of your parents' passing. I know you probably have heard this before, but if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you. I lost my parents when I was a kid. My nightmares were all about losing them."

Elsa glanced up at you and instinctively grabbed your hand.

You continued.

"My mother and father taught me some useful skills to survive, and since then, I have roamed the land on my own. When I reach a town, I find some small jobs here and there. I never stay long in one place—there are too many sights to see in this world."

Elsa let out a soft sigh when you mentioned you never stayed in one place very long. You two found a bench in the back and sat down. She leaned her head onto you and softly cried. You placed your hand on her and rubbed her back.

"My nightmare was of my parents. I can't shake it. Anna doesn't know I have these dreams, I don't want her to," Elsa said.

"Sometimes it's okay to be vulnerable. Even people with magic hands sometimes need help too," you whispered. Elsa smiled at your comment and nuzzled closer into your arm. You glanced down at the blonde and smiled. You felt content with her, and you had not felt that way in a long time.

The sun began to peek out from the horizon, and you placed your hand under Elsa's chin. You brought her face up to see the sunrise.

"It's beautiful," she said quietly.

"My mother used to say that when you truly find someone you love, every sunrise will remind you of that girl or boy," you said.

"Have you found that person yet?" Elsa asked. You looked down at her and then back up to the sunrise.

"Maybe, but maybe I don't even know what love feels like. I have dated some people before, but I never felt complete with them," you said, "What about you?"

Elsa glanced to the ground. "I don't know. I have mixed feelings about people. I shut myself out from the world. I don't even know if I could love anyone or if anyone could love me."

You wrapped your arm tighter around here and placed a kiss on her head. You stood up and extended your hand out towards her. She happily grabbed your hand and you walked back towards the secret passageway.

"You will find someone you love, and someone who loves you. A woman has elegant as you deserves more love than anyone else I have ever encountered," you whispered in her ear. Elsa tried to not blush, but you had already broken down those walls of intimacy.

Elsa opened up the door and the two of you walked back to her room. You helped her to her bed and she sat on the edge staring at you. "You're too kind to me," she suddenly said, "I don't deserve your kindness after the way I treated you earlier."

"Your majesty, I mean Elsa, I believe people deserve to be treated with how I see them. Your first couple of interactions with me were abrasive maybe, but I knew that it wasn't the real you. I believe that you are kind, sweet, caring towards your sister and kingdom, and a brilliant ruler. I am honored to just have spoken more than one word to you," you said.

Elsa couldn't stop blushing and she glanced down at your lips once more. "You can't, Elsa. You know why you can't," Elsa thought.

You took her hand, kissed her knuckles, and walked out of the room. Elsa was about to follow you when she stopped herself. She couldn't allow herself to fall for you. 

You walked back to your room and collapsed onto the bed. The only thing on your mind was the beautiful queen. "I can't fall for her," you said out loud, "A queen deserves much more than a peasant like me."

As you fell asleep, Elsa stayed awake reading a letter from the kingdom of the Southern Isles. She wanted to run to you, lay in your arms, but she stopped herself once again. "She deserves someone who isn't already in a relationship," Elsa said out loud. She threw the letter off her bed and tried to fall asleep. She smiled as her last thought before she fell asleep was you.

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