A Stranger

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You woke up and felt something on your chest. Elsa slept comfortably on top of you. You grinned at the beautiful woman and slowly got out of bed trying to not disturb her. When you moved her head to a pillow, the queen let out a soft groan. Her eyes opened up. She turned her body to face you, and you remembered that she slept in only her undergarments. You blushed as you eyed her body.

"I didn't mean to wake you," you said.

"I should probably get up. I have queen duties I need to attend to." She stood up and stretched. She smirked when she noticed you checking her out. "Enjoying the view?" she teased.

You adverted your eyes to the window. "I-I-I should go get dressed," you said as you rushed out of the room. Elsa watched you leave and sighed happily as she tossed herself back on the bed. She had not slept that good in years. She smiled when she remembered how warm you felt next to her all night. She wished you slept next to her every night from now on.

Elsa walked to the bathroom to take a bath. She removed her clothes and sunk into the warm water. She shut her eyes and started to daydream about you.

You ran to your room to avoid talking to anyone. The door slammed shut as you jumped onto your bed and let out a scream into the pillow. That woman was driving you wild. You wondered if she liked you or not. 

All of a sudden, a soft knock echoed in your room. You opened up the door to reveal Anna standing there with a wide grin.

"How'd you sleep last night?" she asked. You didn't try to lie to her--she already knew.

"Amazing. I slept so good last night," you said with a wide smile.

Anna hugged you tightly and shut the door. She motioned for you to tell her everything that happened. You went through the whole story and when you finished, Anna was smiling even more.

"My sister likes you! I know she does!" Anna exclaimed.

You rubbed the back of your neck as Anna jumped around the room. "I don't think she does," you said. Anna stopped jumping and ran up to you. 

"Yes she does! My sister wouldn't let you even near her like that if she didn't like you," Anna said.

"Your sister is a queen! A queen! She shouldn't have to settle for someone like me!" you yelled.

Anna slapped you across the face which stunned you for a moment. "Do not say that anymore. I have never met anyone who deserves my sister as much as you. I trust you and so does she."

You rubbed your cheek and gave a small smile to Anna. She laughed at you and excused herself so you could get dressed. The princess was wild, but you enjoyed her company very much.

Across the castle, Elsa sat listening to her council discuss the suitor problem. They sent Hans home this morning to his own kingdom with confirmation that his father and brothers would punish him for his actions. Elsa smiled at the thought of Hans suffering.

"Your majesty," a councilman yelled. Elsa shook the thought away and stared at the short man before her. "Your majesty, we still have to discuss the situation with your suitor. You need to find someone to marry."

"Why? I can rule by myself," Elsa stated.

"It's the law, your highness. You are of age now and you need to marry someone so you can create an heir to the throne," a woman said. 

"What if I don't want to marry a man?" Elsa asked. 

"Then we can ask the trolls to help create a child between you and the woman you love. We just need you to find someone, preferably someone of royal status. A queen should not be marrying a commoner," the man from before said.

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