One More Kiss

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It's been a week since you last spoke to Elsa. You didn't want to see her—you couldn't see her. Your heart ached for her every night. You wished you could run to her and kiss her just one more time.

But she was a queen. A great queen. She loved her kingdom and knew that marrying someone of royalty would only help her citizens more. Prince Henry offered more allies and trade partners for Arendelle. You couldn't offer her any of that. She loved you, but she had to think of the kingdom before she thought of herself.

She had to protect Arendelle, but who would protect her?

Your job at the bakery would be ending soon, and you would need to find another source of employment.

Or maybe it was time to move on. Move on from this town, the people,  and the kingdom. Maybe you needed a new adventure that no longer involved a certain blonde. You still wanted to see the world, but you put all of that on hold for Elsa.

But she couldn't be with you, so what was truly holding you back from leaving this town and everything in it?


You hoped that maybe she would change her mind and come running into your arms. You would kiss her with so much passion that it would like you would never kiss again. At night you two would fall asleep next to one another enjoying the warmth of the other person. You hoped that she would be yours.

Elsa sat at the head of table listening to the council blabber on about her up coming birthday. She would have to choose a suitor by then. Her council urged her to marry Prince Henry—practically forcing her to choose him.

Elsa wanted to cry, scream and let out all her feelings she had been suppressing down inside of her. She wanted to jump on the table and throw things against the wall. She wanted to let everything out.

Instead, she say calmly with her hands clasped on her lap as she continued to listen to one man discuss her birthday.

"What happens if I don't marry someone of royal blood?" Elsa suddenly asked. Everyone turned to stare at the queen.

"My queen, I don't think..." one of them muttered.

"Wha happens?" Elsa asked again.

"It's highly advised that you marry someone of royal status," another person said.

"Answer my question," Elsa demanded.

"Nothing would happen to you, but you would lose the opportunity to form an alliance with a powerful kingdom and other benefits that come along with uniting two nations," the first man said.

Elsa leaned back in her chair. She dismissed the group and walked over to the window. She wanted to be with you, but she wanted to also do what was right for her kingdom. Her mind tried to figure out what she should do when Anna walked up towards her.

"Hey, Elsa," Anna said.

Elsa turned to face her sister. They had not spoke to one another in over a week. Elsa was about to speak when she paused for a moment. She looked at her sister again and broke down in tears. She hugged Anna and softly cried into her chest.

"Anna, I'm a horrible sister. I have treated you so poorly," Elsa cried.

"Elsa, I love you so much. I should not have said those words to you the other day."

"They were true! All of it!" Elsa yelled.

Anna hugged her sister tighter and placed a kiss on her head. "Elsa, you are not a harlot."

"I'm so conflicted. I don't know who to choose. I love (Y/N)! I love her, Anna! But the kingdom! And Prince Henry! I don't know what to do!" Elsa cried out.

"Elsa, what would mother do?" Ana asked.

Elsa pulled away from her sister and smiled at her. Her mother was so kind, caring and a great ruler. Elsa knew exactly what her mother would do.

You strolled down to your room when you paused at Elsa's door. You raised your hand to knock but stopped yourself. You were only going to hurt yourself even more.

You turned around and saw Elsa staring at you. She looked so beautiful, but you could tell that she was tired. She walked over to you and grabbed your hand.

"Follow me," she said. You didn't even hesitate and walked away with her. You went out to the the garden and stood by a large sycamore tree. Elsa positioned you under the tree and took a step back.

"(Y/N), I know I'm the last person you want to see. I've treated you so poorly and I play with your feelings. I had to figure stuff out and I wanted to be you from the beginning, but I had to think of the kingdom," Elsa said.

She bent down on one knee and pulled out a small box with a diamond ring. You gasped when you saw what she was about to do.

"I choose you, (Y/N). It's always been you, and I know that if I'm with you, the kingdom will be in great hands. Arendelle already has enough allies and trade partners. I need you. Will you marry me?"

You didn't say anything for a moment. Your mind was running wild and you needed to sit down. Instead, you walked over to Elsa and bent down to her level.

"Elsa, I can't give you much," you said.

"I only need you," she whispered.

You kissed her forehead and shut the small box. You helped her to her feet and placed your hands on her face.

"I love you, Elsa, I really do." You paused for a second. "That's why I can't marry you. You should marry Prince Henry. He can give you the world you deserve. He can make you so happy and give you everything you need."

"No he can't," she said placing a soft kiss on your lips, "He can't give me you."

You leaned down and pressed your lips against hers. She let out a soft moan and you wrapped your arms around her waist. You pushed her against the tree and continued to kiss her. You pulled away and smiled at her.

You pulled out a small bag from your pocket and pulled out a small ring with a tiny emerald. "It's not much," you whisper, "But it was my mother's ring. I want you to have it."

You reach for her hand and slide the ring onto her left hand. She smiles at you and begins to place her ring on your finger.

"Wait, Elsa. That ring is too nice for me. I love you, but I would be fine with a ring similar to what a man receives. I work with my hands too much and I would to damage this one," You said.

Elsa jumped up and kissed you again. "So you'll marry me?" she asked?

"Yes, your majesty," you whispered as you place another kiss on her lips.

Little did either of you two know that this was only the start to your problems.

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