School & House Problems

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Next morning, at a small house, where our hero lives, Spider-Man ( aka Peter Benjamin Parker) was putting on his civilian clothes, getting ready for school, in his room. Peter was just walking down the stairs getting ready to say goodbye to his Aunt May, when he heard his Aunt May talking to her friend about her money issues. You see, Aunt May doesn't have a lot money, & she was poor. She had a lot of bills to pay, some of them overdue. She was afraid that, she & Peter were going to loose their home & had to live on the street. Peter was feeling sorry & wanted to do something. But Aunt May didn't want to see him worried so much, so he came down the stairs, acting like he didn't hear Aunt May's conversation with her friend & saying "Hey Aunt May! How's the most beautiful woman in the world doing?" Aunt May just laughed & said "Oh Peter. You better get going, you don't want to be late for school" "No I don't" Peter said while exiting the front door of the house.

Ounce Peter was outside, he, again, felt sorry for Aunt May & couldn't stop thinking about what he should do to help her.

Peter arrived at Midtown High School, where he found his best friend, Harry Osborn &, his crush, Gwen Stacy (who happened to be a science nerd like him). "Hey Gwen & Harry" Peter greeted, " Hey Peter" Harry & Gwen both greeted back in unisons. They started talking to each other about what's been going on in their daily lives ( except Peter, who left out his Superhero life, for his reasons) & about the upcoming events going on in school as they were walking to their classroom. "Has any of you guys finished your homework for Mrs. Hemsworth?" asked Peter when they got to their seat, on the 3rd row of the 4 horizontal rows in the classroom. Harry & Gwen both answer " Yes." Harry then asked "Why?" "I was just curious..." answered Peter "because the homework seems it would take a lot more time than 2 days." "You're right" said Gwen "It did take me, a long time to finish it, 7 hours to be exact" "I also had had a long time to finish it..." Harry said "especially since I'm not at the genius level like you & Peter are, Gwen" "That's alright Harry..." Peter replied "At least, you finished it." Then, a jerky toned voiced grabbed Peter's attention "Hey look, if it isn't Puny Geeky Parker." Peter groaned, turned to, a blond big guy, behind him, & reply "It's Peter Benjamin Parker, Flash Thompson." Flash just snickered & said "Don't be such a smart butt." "At least, I am smart compared to you." Peter said, roasting Flash. Flash got up off his seat walked up to Peter, he grabbed Peter by the collar of T-Shirt & threatened him, saying "Listen Up Geek, cause I'm going to tell you this, if you ever dare to make me look like a complete joke again, you'll get your punishment, so stop pretending to be Spider-Man because you're not him, you'll never will be, & you're definitely not even close to, at least, being his sidekick."

The school bell ranged, all of a sudden, Mrs. Hemsworth came into the classroom & said "Everyone to your seat, especially you Flash." Ounce the students were in their seats & Mrs. Hemsworth was done taking attendance. She brought out a bug of sheets (that were the student's biology pop quiz from last Friday) & hand it out to the entire class while still talking to the class "Now, I know that all of you are eager to know quizzes' grades so, I'm giving you, your quizzes, back." Some of the students were happy with their grades, some weren't. Mrs. Hemsworth gave back Flash's quiz to him, the bully started celebrating loudly "C-, yes! I'm still able to prove that I'm smart to Puny Parker!" Just then the teacher congratulated Peter "Great job, Mr. Parker! Another A+!" This made Flash jealous of Peter. He grabbed a football in his backpack to throw it at Peter, in order to hit Peter. He positioning his throwing arm to hit Peter, when Peter's Spider-Sense went on. Peter "accidentally" dropped his quiz, when Flash's football was thrown at him, & went down to get the quiz back. The football missed Peter, but hit Mrs. Hemsworth. "Mr. Flash Thompson!" She yelled, turning her head to face Flash. Flash's face turned embarrassed red, while many of the students snickered at him. Flash hid his face, as fast as he could, & hid it for the rest of the class.

By the end of class, Peter was just getting out of classroom with his best friends, when Mrs. Hemsworth called out his name along with Gwen's name. Peter & Gwen nervously walked up to her, thinking they did something wrong. But Mrs. Hemsworth had good news. "Peter, Gwen, I just got a call from Dr. Connors that "he wants 2 interns at his lab. & he wants the 2 of you to be his interns." What do you 2 think about that opportunity?" "Trust me, Mrs. Hemsworth,..."answered Peter "that is one opportunity, I don't want to miss." "I agree with Peter!" said Gwen "I would love that opportunity!" "That's the spirit!" said Mrs. Hemsworth "The internship starts next Monday!"

When Peter & Gwen got out of class & walking together, side-by-side, they heard a similar jerky toned voice "Hey Puny Parker!" It was Flash, obviously, who pushed Peter down to the floor & said "That's what you get for making me looking like a laughingstock!" "Hey leave him alone Flash!" yelled Gwen, angrily. "Oh Yeah!" replied Flash "What are you going to do about it? Ms. Geek Stacy!" Flash gave out a jerky grin, which was gone, because Gwen punched him so hard, he falls to the ground. "I  was going to do that!" said Gwen "Come on Peter, let's get out of here before, Flash decides to fight back!" She grabbed Peter by the hand, which made Peter blushed, & dragged him out of the school.

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