Watch Out!

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Afternoon, in a smoothie bar, Peter, Gwen, & Harry were talking about what's going on' in their daily lives. "So, Peter, how's your Aunt May?" ask Harry "Um, could've been better." answered Peter, hesitated "She's been doing pretty bad with bills & she's loosing money. She's been trying to find a job to work & pay her bills, but she's having no good luck. I've been thinking about helping her too much, to the point, I've been too distracted to think of other things." "Is that why you've been letting Flash bully you?" ask Gwen "I wasn't letting Flash bully me Gwen." answered Peter, correcting her "Like I said, I was too distracted to be aware of Flash. I mean, I actually dropped my quiz, on accident, not on purpose." "Are you sure?" ask Harry "Cause you made it look like you purposely dropped your quiz." "Like I said, accident" said Peter. Just then, the smoothie maker (which is Stan Lee) announced "I got an original vanilla, super chocolate with an Oreo cookie topping, & a special veggie smoothie with no whip cream." "Looks like our smoothies are here." informed Peter "I'll go get it." said Harry, before going to get it.

Meanwhile, across the street, Shocker was walking down an ally, when all of a sudden, a buzzing came from the radio in his ear, he press the button on it & heard a voice, it was Hammerhead. "Remember Shocker, create as much chaos as you want to, because Spider-Man can't resist trying to stop you from causing it." "Don't worry, I'll lure in the bug more easily than luring a dog with meat." said Shocker. Shocker saw a smoothie bar across the street, then, charged up his gauntlet getting ready to fire at the smoothie bar.

Inside the smoothie bar, Peter, Gwen, & Harry just finished their smoothies, & were now talking about what's going on in Gwen & Harry lives. "Well, my dad is always busy with his position as the captain of the Police Department." said Gwen "But now, it's seems like he's been less busy as he supposed to, with the whole Spider-Man gig going on." "I understand, Gwen." Peter replied "It's seems like Spider-Man has been doing their jobs of stopping crime. But at least, Spider-Man doesn't try to get all the glory for himself." "Yeah..." said Gwen "at least. How about you, Harry? What's your dad been up to?" "Well, my dad just fired a guy name Adrian Toomes." answered Harry "Something about, Adrian accusing my dad for stealing his inventions, & announcing to the public that, his invention were my dad's invention, not his. & you know how my dad is." "Yeah we know." said Peter "Norman Osborn never apologizes." The group started laughing about Peter's joke. Just then, Peter's Spider-Sense went off, so Peter stopped laughing & yelled "Take cover!" A big explosion happened, behind them. Luckily, Peter, Gwen, & Harry hid behind the counter of the smoothie bar. Just then, man in a yellow & brown suit with multiple crosses, wielding 2 gauntlets came out, it was Shocker.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Issue# 1 Shocking New VillainKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat