New Opportunities

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Ounce Peter Parker was out of the ally way he went to search for his friends. When he finally, found them, they were relieved that he was safe. "Peter, we thought we lost." said Gwen, relieved "Where were you?" "I was hiding in a nearby ally way." answered Peter "After I told Spider-Man, about what was going on." "So that special helper you said was Spider-Man." said Harry "Yup." answered Peter "Where's Mr. Lee?" "We sent him back to his house, safely." answered Gwen "That's great." said Peter.

While they were walking down to the Oscorp building, where Harry & his dad lives, Harry asked a question, "So Peter, does Spider-Man know who you are?" "Yeah, Harry." said Peter "Though, he doesn't usually hang out with me, he is my friend." "Why don't you invite him to our special friends group?" ask Gwen "Because you know, how crime-fighting is." answered Peter "He's gotta protect the neighborhood, you know." "Do you know his secret identity?" asked Harry, Peter thought for a moment, even making a look like he was trying to remember when Spider-Man did reveal his secret identity, & then answered "No, he didn't. He doesn't trust me enough to keep his secret identity from others."  "Oh." replied Harry "Because I heard that the Daily Bugle is gonna give big moneys to those who can take decent pictures of him. & even, bigger moneys to those who could reveal his secret identity." Peter thought for a moment, him taking pictures of himself as Spider-Man would be a great idea, but him revealing his secret identity would be a bad idea. He thought so much that he started muttering about it a lot, to the point that his friends could hear him muttering, but doesn't understand what he's saying, not even a single word, when all of a sudden, Harry yelled his name, bringing him back to reality. "Oh, sorry Harry." Peter apologies "I was just thinking about what you said." " & what about it?" asked Harry " Well..." answered Peter, hesitantly "I've been friends with Spider-Man for over 3 months, & while I would love to take pictures of him & see his secret identity. I just don't want him to feel like I've betrayed him by revealing his secret identity to the pubic." " I understand, Peter." said Gwen "Me too." said Harry "& besides, the internship that Gwen & I are going might provide money for us." said Peter "Aunt May could use them to pay the bills. Uh... no offense, Harry." "It's fine." chuckle Harry. & the 3 friends continued on going to Oscorp.

That evening, Peter was in his room, in his house, thinking about Shocker, his suit, his gauntlets, & where's his boss Hammerhead, but most importantly, who's the crime king. He's even drawing the suit & gauntlets that Shocker wore, & writing the possible theories about him, while muttering at the same time. Just then, Aunt May knocked on the door & calling out his name, making him surprised & fall back on his chair. "Peter, are you ok?" ask Aunt May "I'm fine, Aunt May." said Peter "I was just being too busy doing homework, that I lost track of time." Just then, Peter realized that he was wear his Spider-Man clothes. So he, quickly, put on his civilian clothes. "That's ok, Peter." said Aunt May "I just wanted to let you know, dinner's ready." "Thanks, Aunt May." said Peter, while putting on his civilian clothes "I'll be down, in a minute." "Ok." said Aunt May. After, Peter was down putting on his clothes, & cleaning up his room, he went downstairs to eat dinner, while he was eating, Aunt May, suddenly, asked him a question "Hey, Peter, something's wrong? Cause you seem distracted." "Oh, well..." Peter answered, hesitatingly "I was thinking about a recent internship at Dr. Conners lab & about a news that the Daily Bugle is gonna give a lot of money to the person who can get a decent picture shot of Spider-Man. What do you think? Which job should I do, the Connor's internship or the Daily Bugle?" "Well, I say, wait." Aunt May answered "Wait until, you get the answer your looking for. Why do you need a job, Peter." "Because..." Peter hesitated to answer "Uncle Ben is gone. & he's always told that with great power comes great responsibility, now my responsibility right now, is to help you with our money issues." Aunt May smiled, warm fully, & said thanks for his kindness, then try proceeded to continue, eating their dinner. While eating, Peter started to think about Aunt May's answer & what did it mean. "Wait until, you get the answer your looking for."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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