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Somewhere, underneath, the rails of a subway, was a an abandoned building. Inside the building, was Hammerhead & Montana, discussing some important things. "If I do recall.." said Montana "you said this meeting was only for me & not my teammates, right?" "That's right." answered Hammerhead "I wanted to show you something." "What is it?" ask Montana "This." answered Hammerhead, giving Montana, a briefcase. Montana looked puzzled & asked "What's in the case?" "Why don't you open it up & see it for yourself." ordered Hammerhead. Montana opened up the briefcase & was shocked to see what's in it.

It was a yellow & brown suit, with multiple crosses, & 2 gauntlets. "What is this?" ask Montana "& Why did you give me this?" "It's your new suit & weapon." answered Hammerhead "& to help you, even the odds with Spider-Man." "& how is this supposed to help me defeat Spider-Man?" ask Montana "So many questions, so little time." answered Hammerhead "Put it on & see it for yourself."

So Montana put on the suit & gauntlet. "Now if you concentrate hard enough you'll be able to fire out a shock wave of energy." advice Hammerhead "& if you want to, it can also be used as a close range weapon." So Montana did as he was advised, he concentrated hard enough to release a blast from the gauntlet, hard enough to blow up a wall, no problem. Montana was now pleased with his new suit & weapon. With one shockwave to the ground, he was able to make a short range earthquake. & with a single punch, he was able to blow up or send a target flying close range, without hurting himself. "From now on, I'm not Montana... I'm Shocker!" announcing Shocker

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Issue# 1 Shocking New VillainWhere stories live. Discover now