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A couple of weeks later me and Brandon and kehlani went out for lunch like old times
We went to pink hearts and ordered our food
'So basically i have tea' kehlani said
'What' we both said
'Basically jay got in touch with me asking me how we all was and if you have a boyfriend' she said
'What did you say'i said choking almost on my chicken
'Well i simply said were fine and it doesnt bother him and he put back okay hope your all well'she said
She handed us her phone and we looked at it
'Damn,i mean it wasnt as if it was cos we had an arguement it was literally cos of distance and just lost touched'brandon said
'He shocked me though like i would never think he'd reach out'i said
'Yesss' they both agreed
Just then the waitress bought out our food and we started to eat
'If he came here how would you feel like what would you do cos like him and nick' k said
'Well i mean i love nick and i havemt seen him in ages ' i said
'Would seeing him bring that back ' brandon said
'No like obviously we have eachother on insta and i see him but i don't feel anything for him ' i said
'Well that is a picture' k said
'But i know what i want' i said getting annoyed
'Okay chill'she said
'Okay sorry but still i love nick and i have nothing for jay and even if i did he aint here but i dont so i dont care

We finished up our lunch, paid and then left .

We all went back to the pm house and met with the boys and all chilled in the living room

'im bored 'i said grabbing my phone
'Same ' nick said
'wanna go out' i said
'let us come i hate being indoors' Edwin said
'Yeah' Brandon said And then the other two did

'it aint up to us come if you want ' i laughed and as i said it Austin came put his room with this girl who had blue hair ,she was so pretty
'Hey' all of us said to her and Austin
'Hi ' she said shyly
'Hey er its nice to meet youse im Ansley ' she said
'Yeah Ansley this is ,Edwin ,Zion ,kehlani,Brandon ,nick and Cleo ' he pointed from left to right
'Its nice to meet you all ' she said
'Wait are you leaving ' i shouted
'yeah ' she said
'You aint got to though ' Austin said
'Stayyyy come on we was just about to go for a drive ' kehlani said
'Its 11 at night ' zion said
'What do you mean we go for drives at 12 o'clock sometimes shut up ' she said back to him
'i mean we can if you want ' Austin said to her
'Okay but ill go if you want' she said, which caused everyone to shout no
'Come on then road trip to the hollywood sign yeah ' nick said getting up
'Lets gooo' Zion screamed

We all got up and put our shoes on and got in the mini van
,austin drove so ansley sat at the passenger side then in the middle it was Brandon,me and nick and then at the back was zion and kehlani and ed
'Are we ready ' Austin shouted
yesses and woos were shouted and then we went

We had to stop at a shop cos well we all felt a little sick because Edwin farted and it stunk ,
We was waiting for the smell to leave so we was just on the pavement having a chat


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Cleo.baby: 'road trip gone wrong ' 😂
Therealnickmara:Ed's fault🤦🏻‍♀️
Edwinhonoret:come on noowwww😂
Kehlani.king:lovely first impression 🙃🤷🏻‍♀️

'seriously Ed what did you eat ' Brandon said cos you could still smell it
'Well i mean i had a burrito but like it hit me hard , the toilet took a hit ' he laughed
'Smells like something crawled up you and died ' k said
'Damn that really bad 'nick said

After about five minutes the smell went and we decided we all couldnt be bothered for the drive to the sign so we dropped Ansley home and then went and got some food
'Ed please dont get a burrito ' nick said
'I wont trust me ,that hit me like a ton of bricks i dont even want anything ' he said rubbing his belly
'Probably for the best bro ' Zion said patting his back
Austin said everyones orders and we gave him the money to pay and drove round till it came

We got our food and finally got home

'So Ansley seems really nice ' k said
'Yes i was just to say that 'ed said
'Yes same me too' nick said
'Me three' b said
'Me four ' i said
'Me five 'Zion said finishing his food

We all laughed

'Thanks guys and she is ,she was really nervous when she found out youse were putside but i cant thank you enough you made her feel so welcome so yeah cheers ' he said taking a sip of his drink and doing his smile

'But the thing is she really is an alright girl , like you can get the ones that are idiots like these ' Brandon said pointing at me and kehlani which made everyone laughed
'Oi you cheeky fucker' k said
'Yeah what do you mean ,im offended' i laughed
'Im joking you know i love y'all '
'Mmmhmmm sure ' i said
'Yeah seems it b' she said

We didnt eat all our food it was a little bit of a waste ,we decided to watch a film to let the food go down but halfway through we all went to our rooms

'Goodnight ' nick shouted from his bedroom door
And then loads of goodnights were shouted from the house
'what actually is the time 'he said getting in bed
'3:23 wow that's latee' i said
'yes oh my god I'm so tired' he said getting in bed ,then he wrapped his arms around me
'Good night love you '
'Good night love you more'

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