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A few days later I was planning to tell nick

I got ready, nothing to great and then i met Zion and k there

I walked in the house to see them two on the sofa

'Where is he ' i said as i sat down

And just then he walks down the stairs
He knew i was coming, but he didnt know why

'You alright ' he said

- I said in my head

'Yeah im doing okay i suppose er can we talk' i said

Kehlani and Zion stood up and went outside to the garden

'Well i dont know how to see this ' i said but he cut me off
'Can i just say i didnt cheat on you, it was the only way i thought i knew youd leave cos at that point in my life i thought i couldnt have anything as if i didn't deserve you  and it was a stupid way to do it and im sorry ' he said

'Wait what so you never cheated' i said

'Na i didnt 'he said

That made me think so differently

'Well anyways er i don't know how to say this but er er '

'Just say it ' he said
'Im pregnant ' i whispered
'What ' he said looking
'Im pre-' i said
'No i heard and what with my kid' he said
i nodded yes
A smile spreaded across his face
'Seriously ' he smiled
'Yeah ' i didnt know how to react
'Why did you keep it from me ' he asked
'i only found out 2 weeks ago nick im a whole month pregnant though and at this point i thought you cheated, i hated the fact that i was holding your kid after everything ' i said
'Sorry' he said
'Hug it out ' i said
He nodded

We stood up and hugged each other
I missed him
His smell
Everything felt good when i was with him

Just then Zion and kehlani walked in

Zion looked at me and and i nodded

'Im gonna be an uncleeeee' Zion said shouting running around the house
'You knew ' nick said confused
'We both found out when she got back on Sunday' k said
'But its Tuesday ' he said
'I was scared i didnt know how you'll act ' i said and he went quiet, probably guilt
'its all good now though ' k said brightening the mood
'Yeah lets get food' z said

Them two left and it was only me and nick in the house

'Wanna see the bump ' i said
'Yeah' he said
I pulled my top up and it revealed my little bump
'Do you know what it is yet ' he asked rubbing my belly
'Nah i found out a week after i let to go stay with blair,she was the first one to know and my mum

'Im sorry what i put you through c ' he said
'We'll get through it ' i said

The came back with the food and we sat and watched family guy while we ate

Nicks POV

We was sat watching TV when we all wondered where Cleo went
'She said she was going toilet ' z said

I walked up stairs and the toilet was locked, i knocked and Edwin answered back
'im in here'

I walked into my room to get my phone off charge when i opened the door to see Cleo laying curled up in a ball sleeping
I kissed her forehead and put the blanket over her as i shut the door i bumped into ed
'Who's that ' he said
'Cleo' i said
'oh okay youse good now ' he asked
'Yeah i think ' i said smiling
'Im proud for you bro, goodnight '
'Goodnight '

Phases•Nick MaraWhere stories live. Discover now