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I was about to go for a walk with Lola as all the boys was at the studio and all the girls were either busy or asleep . I got us both ready and then left.

I walked along the road and then came to this bench. I sat down and took Lola out her pram to feed her as she was crying .

I was going through Instagram when I see this


348,373 likesJay

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Jay.m: wife

I called Milana as soon as I see that and said congratulations


When was you gonna tell me
It was a surprise to everyone not even my mum and dad knew
Ahhh but stilll I wish I knew
Well me and jay was talking and we said just do it
Yeah im sorry baby girl, the only people there was me Ayla and him
Was it a goo
Ahh your the sweetest person ever
Ha okay well let me go I'm out with Lola we're having a girls day
Aw cute well enjoy I love you both loads
We love you too byeee

We sat there for a while and I could stop looking at my baby. Like how did I end up so lucky


346,933 likesCleo

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Cleo.baby: rock 💞👯

I walked around the park for a while and then walked back home.

I got in and see layla was laying on the sofa asleep so i guessed kehlani was in, i called fpr her and then she came down the stairs

'Whats up' i said and she looked annoyed
'so z left his phone here this morning who does he get a text off of' she says
'Please dont say sammi' i say
'Sammi like is he having a fucking laugn, so i go into the chat and see she keeps messaging him, ive had it before with that Alana girl i aint having it again, i have his child and he's still got girls in his DMS ' she said

I got Lola out the pram and held her

'Just calm down has he messaged her back' i said
'I dont know i just dont know he could have deleted the messages ' she said starting to cry
'Calm Down okay juat relax, we cant just ashume' i said as i hugged her
'Its just a mess the whole things a mess i thought we was over this ' she said as she pulled away and wiped her eyes dry and then all the boys walked in

'Whats wrong ' zion said as he walked up to k
'you know whats wrong the girl that's all up in you Dms thats whats wrong z ' she shouted as she picked layla up
'what wait where you going, you have it wrong hear me out, youve got this wrong ' he said tryna hold her back but she pulled away from him

Now everyone felt uncomfortable

'Just leave me alone z i dont want to talk ill be at my mums ' she said as she walks put the door
Everyones eyes darted to Zion and he look angry
'Just calm do' nick tried to say into he was cut off
'Just shit the fuck up' zion said as he pushed whatever was in his way out and went to their room and then you just heard banging as if he chucked something and it smashed

All the boys and me and lola just stood there all looking at eachother as if what the fuck happened

'shit then that escalated quick ' ed said
'Im shook ' b said
'Be honest with me has he been texting this salami girl ' i said
'Her names sammi i swear ' ed said
' sarcasm ed sarcasm ' nick said as he patted him on the shoulder
'But no cleo he honestly he hasn't we of all people would know and he seriously hasn't, she tried to message him amd he airred, ah kept tryna call him a while back and he wants having it and then one day at the studio he answered and said leave him alone and that he's happy and has a family and that and shes never got the message since ' austin said
' so he honestly hasn't been messaging her' i said
"Honestly ' they all said im unison

I thought everything through and then went to kehlanis mums about an hour later

'im going to talk to her ' i said as i kissed nick on the head as i got up
'What ah don't leave mee' he moaned
'I need to sort this out ' i said as i put my shoes on
'You haven't got to sort anything out it isn't your argument ' he said as he held Lola
'No cos i cant i aint like that ' i said
'Well dont be long ' he said
' i wont i love you both ' i said as i walked to the front door
'Bye we love you tooo' he shouted

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