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Kehlani.king: Layla Blaise Kuwonu, 17.08.18💘
Tagged: zionkuwonu

Cleo.baby: my precious💜
Ansley_Mitchell_: shes the cutesttt😭😭💗
Brandon_arreaga: fit is fireee😋
Zionkuwonu: brandon_arreaga i had too😂😂

A/n: im English so that's how we write the date but if your american and reading this she was born on the 08.17.18

Cleo's POV

I woke up the next morning and felt so much better in myself, i walked downstairs and i see k giving layla a photoshoot

'Poor baby' i laughed
'Oiii and be quiet shes finally asleep ' she said laughing
'Im joking do you want food ' i asked
'No Cleo im alrignt I've been up since 5 '
'5 ' i shouted
'Sorry but why 5 '
'Oh '
'Anyways you okay i heard about last night ' she said
'Look it was just me being silly dont worrg about me ' i said
'Look you can tell me stuff still' she said
'I know but like you was busy ' i said
' c listen okay yeah i have layla now but your always gonna be my girl like yeah were movie g on but i aint losing you' she said
'Yeah i know and also not changing the subject but changing the subject but where is everyone ' i asked
'Well Maggie and Ansley went out asked me but i said no as i did t want to go without you and then they was gonna come and wake you up and i warned them not to otherwise you'll be moody for the rest of the day and then boys went out for boy time apparently' we laughed

'Oh so just us three' i said
'Yeah '
'Wanna go out' i said
'Yeah' she laughed

i went and changed and we left

'Cant believe she's finally here' i said pushing her pram
'Yeah i know i feel weird but im glad shes here' k said

We walked into dairy queen and went and sat down

'I dont know what to get k ' i said looking up and down the menu
'Im gonna get a create your ' she said as she placed the menu down
'I dont know what you want ' she laughed
'Nah imma get that beuno one '

We waited for the lady to come over and take our order when she did

'What can i get you today' She said

i got k to order it as i hated talking i always felt like i got my words muddled

'Can i have a make your own and can i get the crepe, with crushed Oreo, strawberries and white sauce and that beuno one 'she said pointing to the waffle

'Yes of course is that everything ' the young lady maybe about 20 with long brown hair asked
'Yes thanks ' k said
'Cash or card '

Once all the payment things were done we waited for what seemed like a year and then they bought it out

We sat and ate and then we was too stuffed to finish it so we let it go down and i messgaged nick


Where you
Home i was bput to text you have u gone put
Yeah im with k in fair queen do u want anything
Yeah you
Nah im good were going out later
Just us two😘😘
Okay 😊😊
You alright today
Yeah i feel much better but i just ate a waffle and im stuffed 😂😂
Oh god well be back here so you can get ready cos i know your always late
the only one thats always late in this relationship is you so dont try it Mr
Ooooo okay Mr 😂😂
Bye😂😂im out stop texting me 😂
Are u really not gonna answer
I love you
I love you 💜💜
😂😂hurry home im bored

We finished and wasnt stuffed anymore and then we left and went home

As we was walking to the car me and kehlani heard a very familiar voice

' kehlani ..... Cleoo'

We turned around and it was jay

'Look i want no harm okay im not gonna try anything i just want to chat can i take you for lunch ' he said

'We've eaten' k said

'A Starbucks anything please just hear me out ' he pratically begged

Me and kehlani looked at eachother and then i spoke

'You have half an hour '

'Oh my gosh thank you so much '

We walked to starbucks and got a table

'Right so first of all you got to give me an answer, whos kid' he blurtted out
'Mine' k said
'if the dads left y-
'He hasn't and anyways carry on'
'So when i sent you the letter and the DM i was stupid i didnt think, the letter was what i meant and well the texts i wwas drunk, i woke up the next morning and see them, i tried to message you both but you blocked me and then i messaged Brandon and well hes done well for himself to not get certain dms and i know its out of line, i sent a letter to the place again and well you obviously you didn't get it ' he said

'So you think cos you was drunk you have a right to say those things knowing i had a boyfriend' i said
'Im sorry, yes it was out of line and he seems like a nice man and good for you and i was so out of line i know that, that's why she i see yup just now i had to say what i said ' he spoke

'Okay well its fine if your sorry and you didnt mean were good' i said sarcastically

'Why have you got to be like this im saying im sorry and your acting like this ' he said

'Beep beep beep times up i have a family to get home to, hopefully we meet up in the future jay but right now were busy' k said standing up

'Why are youse acting like this' he said

'You din it to yourself when you drunk texted me that horse shite' i said and then we left him

We was in the car and we just spoke about about happened.
'I mean im shook not gonna lie' k said
'Same do you think he was lying ' i said
'About the drunk message ' she aksed
And i nodded
'I dont know its a fifty fifty chance but we done good we gave him a chamce to talk, and well if we was to all me again we have to just unblock him simple ' she said
'Yeah '

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