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I was sat there in the living room when i got the worst pain ever i called for nick but remembered he was in the shower and everyone was out except austin and ansley so i stood up and walked to Austins and ansleys room as it was downstairs but i instantly dropped to the floor

Austin must have heard me as they came out there room to see me on the floor

'Get nick'ansley shouted as she came to my side

Austin pegged it up the stairs and i could hear him banging on the bathroom door
'Ansley whats wrong' i said as i see her face looked worried

'Its fine my love dont worry were gping hospital to male aure your okay' she said

I felt horrible this pain was like no other.
Not long after nick and Austin came down and before i knew it we was on out way to the hospital

I woke up and i was in a hospital bed and i had the worst belly pain ever
I opened my eyes more to see Ansley was sat in the chair next to me
'Ansley whats wrong ' i asked
'Your fine dont worry Cleo, how do you feel' she asked
'Like my belly has dropped put my ass' i said

Then as soon as i finished my sentence a doctor walked in and said they was gonna do some check ups and see how i felt now

When the doctor was doing the blood pressure and all that i spoke to Ansley and asked where nick and Austin was
'They just went to get a coffee real quick im sure they'll be back soon' she answered
'Can you call him' i said
'Yeah course ' she said, she stood up and went outside and i could see her making a call through the window
'You seem to be doing better but we have to ask you to stay in as we want to keep doing check ups' she said and i nodded and she left

Nick walked in the door
'Hey where you been ' i said
'just had to call someone and then i wemt and grabbed a coffee ' he said
'Oh nick why am i actually here what happened after i blacked out' i said

'Right so basically we gpt you to the desk as i was carrying you and well you fainted, they quickly brpught you round to the room and did checks and you wasnt responding and then well they had to do surgery on your belly and at this time i didn't know they did and well they finished and well the doctor came out with our little baby

Phases•Nick MaraWhere stories live. Discover now