Chapter 10

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Abriana has her own car which gave a chance to catch up on the way to school.

About 20 minutes from the campus she finally brought it up, "So, I see you found out Mr G is our neighbor."

She went on, "He's been living there for about a year. But his kid and her mom were there a little before."

"Oh, yeah...he seems like a cool teacher," was all I could say. Though I was glad to have Abriana back in my life, I wasn't ready to loop her into that crazy world.

"Yeah he is and super hot. It's a shame he's tied down to that witch. They do make a cute kid though," she said absentmindedly as she turned onto Lakeshore Drive, where Stanley Studios use to be. Now known as Opticon.

"Hey, what is Opticon?" I asked Abriana as we drove by it, putting in a pin in what she had just said.

"Oh, it's sorta like a travel firm with agents who go all over to with different roles like translators for example," she explained. "That's actually where the witch works."

I was intrigued now, "Why do you call his wife a witch?" Saying wife made me wanna vomit.

"Oh, no. She isn't his wife, they just live together for the sake of the kid from what I gather. She's a witch because all they do is argue. And I know Mr Gaines is too sweet to spark that heat," she rambled.

I said nothing, letting that sink in. At this point, we were in the parking lot.


The week was a blur. It was already Thursday and I didn't see Rolan at school much, or in our shared neighborhood. I only had his class Mondays and Fridays so I was itching for the opportunity.

That day I got called to the principal's office after lunch.

"Please have a seat Ms Sinclair," he gestured,

I sit softly and fold my palms in my lap, waiting for him to begin.

"How have you been adjusting?" He asks, leaning back into his chair so much it might have swallowed him.

I force a smile, "Fine." I mean it was fine with the exception of battling my emotions for an untouchable man but I was always uncomfortable with small talk like this. Especially when I knew the other person believed they knew what the fuck was going on with me. I pitied him and the conversation we were able to have.

"Has Abriana been a good guide?" Was his follow up.

I thought for a minute. After our emotional break down together in my bedroom on Monday night, things sorts went back to how they were before I overdosed. Now I just had to figure out how to confide in her about Rolan, "Spectacular."

"You know, Ms Sinclair, one word responses tend to be a sign of deflection," he cocks his head in his own artificial knowing.

"I am adjusting fine and Abriana has been a spectacular guide," how's that for a full sentence you fucking moron.

He smirks but it fades quickly while he clears his throat.

"Well then. I don't want to keep you too long so I'll jump right to it," he paused to straighten his tie a bit with his left hand, "Your father and I have been in communication and we both feel it best that, while you transition back into the swing of things, it would be wise if you had a couple sessions a week with our guidance counselor."

Yay. Now moron 1 and moron 2 were in communication about what was "best" for me. I knew if I resisted it would be a red flag...I've been down this road. So instead, I smile and say, "When do I start?"


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