Chapter 11

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I learned my schedule for counseling would be Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays after school. As if I didn't have something better to do like lay in my dark bedroom and get high off sheer memory. Abriana wasn't thrilled about the Friday sessions because according to her we had a lot of partying to catch up on.

Friday morning was kicked off with Biology. Which means I had to sit three rows back in a four row classroom and watch Rolan Gaines give a compelling lesson on human anatomy in relation to the environment. Sitting there was like being in a strange painful Euphoria, like being on the edge of orgasm but never getting release.

I didn't really hear anything he said as I watched his body move around the room and feed off the energy of the horny girls and giddy teenage boys. He seemed to have a knack for rolling with those punches. Transforming dirty lines into teachable moments.

At one point he sat along the edge of his desk and I was sent into a flashback of him doing that in his office at Burkley, as we talked and laughed. As I flirted with him, as he desperately tried to ignore his feelings. Then suddenly his lips are on mine and his arms are around me and I creep closer and closer to the release. It's the kind of feeling that makes your eyes glaze over.

From a distance, I guess I just blended with the other horny girls fantasizing about how big his dick is. But this was real. We were real.

After 45 agonizing minutes, the bell signaled and it was time for Math but truly if it wasn't for Abriana tugging my sleeve to get up, I might have sat there lost...forever, "Quit dreaming about Mr Hunky and let's go."

I smiled up at her without my eyes reflecting any true joy, got up and grabbed my bag headed for the door. I dared not look at Rolan who was busy erasing his lecture notes from the whiteboard.

But before I could go, "Ms Sinclair could you please stay back a moment?"

Everyone had left end it was just Abriana and I.
I stopped dead in my tracks and mentally stabbed my own eyes out. Abriana looked at me in question but before she could offer to stay Rolan interjected, "Go on to class Abriana, Nicole will catch up." He smiles softly.

Abriana shot me a sorry look before retreating.

I walked over to the closest desk and plopped my bag down. Rolan looks over to the door as if contemplating closing it but eventually decides on leaving it open.

We exist in silence for about five minutes before he speaks, "I know this is hard for you. I know it's all crazy right now but I need you to at least pretend to be interested in this class." He doesn't meet my eyes, afraid of what he might find there, I presume.

I cock my eyebrow but say nothing, both angry with him and in desire of him.

He steps out from behind his desk, waiting for me to say something. But when I don't he sighs and speaks again, "Next time, take a notebook out, jot down some notes, engage..."

"Well the last time I engaged with you you sorta left me and then didn't talk to me for a year so..." I shot back immediately, the fire in my belly overriding the warmth I felt between my thighs for him.

This took him off guard and he took a step back and swallowed hard, hands in hip and looking down at his shoes. Finally he whispers, "I did what was best for you."

"No, you did what was best for your reputation," I spat, though I didn't really feel this way. Some part of me wanted him to hurt like I've been hurting this whole time, "Your little fling went sour so you moved out the middle of fucking nowhere to live your perfect life with your perfect family and left me to rot at Burkley." I found myself bitterly bashing him.

He scoffed and his eyes finally met mine, "Oh, is that your version of events?"

Before I could answer, he added, "Don't even answer that, Nicole. Just pay attention in my class please."
He took one last look at me before turning and exiting the room.

Our first real conversation in a year and this is how it goes. Of course.

Universe = 600
Nicole = 0


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