Episode 2

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Daenerys Targaryen: You served my father, didn't you, Lord Varys?

Varys: I did.

Daenerys Targaryen: And then you served the man who overthrew him? 

Varys: I had a choice, Your Grace. Serve Robert Baratheon, or face the headsman's ax. 

Daenerys Targaryen: But you didn't serve him long. You turned against him.

Varys: Robert was an improvement on your father, to be sure. There have been few rulers in history as cruel as the Mad King. Robert was neither mad nor cruel; he simply had no interest in being King.

Daenerys Targaryen: So, you took it upon yourself to find a better one?

Tyrion Lannister: Your Grace! When I was ready to drink myself into a small coffin, Lord Varys told me about a Queen in the East...

Daenerys Targaryen:  Before I came to power, you favored my brother. All your spies, your little birds, did they tell you Viserys was cruel, stupid and weak? Would those qualities have made for a good King, in your learned opinion?

Varys: Until your marriage to Khal Drogo, Your Grace, I knew nothing about you, save your existence and that you were said to be beautiful.

Daenerys Targaryen: So, you and your friends traded me, like a prize horse, to the Dothraki?

Varys: Which you turned to your advantage.

Daenerys Targaryen: Who gave the order to kill me?

Varys: King Robert.

Daenerys Targaryen: Who hired the assassins? Who sent word to Essos to murder Daenerys Targaryen?

Varys: Your Grace, I did what had to be done...

Daenerys Targaryen: To keep yourself alive?

Tyrion Lannister: Lord Varys has proven himself a loyal servant.

Daenerys Targaryen: "Proven himself loyal?" Quite the opposite. If he dislikes one monarch, he conspires to crown the next one. What kind of a servant is that?

Varys: The kind the Realm needs. Incompetence should not be rewarded with blind loyalty. As long as I have my eyes, I'll use them. I wasn't born into a Great House. I came from nothing. I was sold as a slave, and carved up as an offering. When I was a child I lived in alleys, gutters, abandoned houses. You wish to know where my loyalties lie? Not with any King or Queen, but with the people. The people who suffer under despots and prosper under just rule. The people whose hearts you aim to win! If you demand blind allegiance... I respect your wishes. Grey Worm can behead me, or your dragons can devour me. But if you let me live, I will serve you well; I will dedicate myself to seeing you on the Iron Throne, because I choose you. Because I know that the people have no better chance than you.

Daenerys Targaryen: Swear this to me, Varys. If you ever think I'm failing the people, you won't conspire behind my back. You'll look me in the eye, as you have done today, and you'll tell me how I am failing them.

Varys: I swear it, my Queen.

Daenerys Targaryen: And I swear this: if you ever betray me, I'll burn you alive.

Varys: I would expect nothing less from the Mother of Dragons.

Jaime Lannister: Thank you for coming. The other lords of the Reach look to you for guidance now more than ever; they might not have come if you hadn't.

Randyll Tarly: If my Queen summons me, I answer the call...and I've heard what she does to those who defy her.

Jaime Lannister: You ride for Horn Hill today?

Randyll Tarly: I have an army to mobilize. Won't be long before the fighting starts.

Jaime Lannister: And which side will you be fighting for? You were the only man to defeat Robert Baratheon in battle. Not even Rhaegar Targaryen could...

Randyll Tarly: It is a long ride back to the Reach, Ser Jaime. How may I serve?

Jaime Lannister: I want you to be my ranking general in the wars to come. I want you to swear allegiance to Cersei, and I want you to help me destroy her enemies. All her enemies.

Randyll Tarly: Including Olenna Tyrell? I'm a Tarly. That name means something. We're not oathbreakers, we're not schemers. We don't  stab our rivals in the back or cut their throats at weddings! I swore an oath to House Tyrell.

Jaime Lannister: You swore an oath to the Crown as well, Lord Tarly.

Randyll Tarly: I've known Olenna since I was a child.

Jaime Lannister: She was a great woman once. Now, she's broken. She wants revenge so badly, she brought the Dothraki to our shores! The Dothraki! In Westeros, for the first time in history! I know you don't like my sister, but you have to make a choice. Do you fight with us, or with the foreign savages and eunuchs? When the war is won, the Queen will need a new Warden of the South. I can think of no better man than Randyll Tarly.

Yara Greyjoy: If you want the Iron Throne, take it! We have an army, a fleet and three dragons; we should hit King's Landing now, hard, with everything we have. The city will fall within a day.

Tyrion Lannister: If we turn the dragons loose, tens of thousands will die in the firestorms.

Ellaria Sand: It's called war. You don't have the stomach for it, scurry back into hiding!

Tyrion Lannister: I know how you wage war. We don't poison little girls here. Myrcella was innocent.

Ellaria Sand: She was a Lannister! There are no innocent Lannisters. My greatest regret is that Oberyn died fighting for you.

Daenerys Targaryen: That's enough! Lord Tyrion is Hand of the Queen; you will treat him with respect. I am not here to be queen of the ashes.

Olenna Tyrell: That's very nice to hear. Of course, I can't remember a queen who was better loved than my granddaughter. The common people loved her; the nobles loved her. And what is left of her now? Ashes. Commoners, nobles they're all just children, really. They won't obey you, unless they fear you.

Daenerys Targaryen: I realize you're here out of hatred for Cersei, and not love for me. But I swear to you, she will pay for what she's done. And we will bring peace back to Westeros.

Olenna Tyrell: Peace. Do you think that's what we had under your father? Or his father, or his? Peace never lasts, my dear. Will you take a bit of advice from an old woman? He's a clever man, your Hand. I've known a great many clever men. I've outlived them all. You know why? I ignored them. The Lords of Westeros are sheep. Are you a sheep? No, you're a dragon. Be a dragon.

Jon Snow: You all crowned me your King. I never wanted it. I never asked for it. But I accepted it because the North is my home! It's part of me, and I will never stop fighting for it, no matter the odds! But the odds are against us. None of you have seen the Army of the Dead. None of you. We can never hope to defeat them alone. We need allies. Powerful allies. I know it's a risk, but I know I have to take it.

Sansa Stark: Then send an emmissary! Don't go yourself!

Jon Snow: Daenerys is a Queen. Only a King can convince her to help us. It has to be me.

Sansa Stark: You're abandoning your people! You're abandoning your home.

Jon Snow: I'm leaving both in good hands.

Sansa Stark: Whose?!

Jon Snow: Yours. You're my sister, you're the only Stark in Winterfell. Until I return, the North is yours.

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