Episode 3

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The Queen's Justice

Tyrion Lannister: And Sansa? I hear she's alive and well.

Jon Snow: She is.

Tyrion Lannister: Does she miss me, terribly? A sham marriage... and unconsummated.

Jon Snow: I didn't ask. 

Tyrion Lannister: Well, it was. Wasn't. Anyway, she's much smarter than she lets on.

Jon Snow: She's starting to let on.

Tyrion Lannister: Good. At some point, I want to hear how a Night's Watch recruit became King in the North.

Jon Snow: As long as you tell me how a Lannister became Hand to Daenerys Targaryen.

Tyrion Lannister: A long and bloody tale. To be honest, I was drunk for most of it.

Jon Snow: My bannermen think I'm a fool for coming here.

Tyrion Lannister: Of course they do. If I was your Hand, I would've advised against it. General rule of thumb: Stark men don't fare well when they travel South.

Jon Snow: True... but I'm not a Stark. (Drogon flies by)

Tyrion Lannister: I'd say you get used to them... but, you never really do. Come. Their mother is waiting for you.

Missandei: You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men, protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains. 

Davos Seaworth: ...This is Jon Snow. He is King in the North.

Daenerys Targaryen: Thank you for travelling so far, my lord. I hope the seas were not too rough.

Jon Snow: The winds were kind, your Grace.

Davos Seaworth: Apologies, I have a Flea Bottom accent, I know, but Jon Snow is King in the North, your Grace. He's not a lord.

Daenerys Targaryen: Forgive me...

Tyrion Lannister: Your Grace, this is Ser Davos Seaworth.

Daenerys Targaryen: Forgive me, Ser Davos, I never did receive a formal education, but I could have sworn I read the last King in the North was Torrhen Stark, who bent the knee to my ancestor, Aegon Targaryen. In exchange for his life and the lives of the Northmen, Torrhen Stark swore fealty to House Targaryen in perpetuity. Or do I have my facts wrong?

Davos Seaworth: I wasn't there, your Grace.

Daenerys Targaryen: No, of course not, but still an oath is an oath, and perpetuity means... what does perpetuity mean, Lord Tyrion?

Tyrion Lannister: Forever.

Daenerys Targaryen: Forever. So I assume, my lord, you're here to bend the knee.

Jon Snow: I am not.

Daenerys Targaryen: Oh? Well that is unfortunate. You've traveled all this way to break faith with House Targaryen?

Jon Snow: Break faith? Your father burnt my grandfather alive. He burnt my uncle alive. He would have burned the Seven Kingdoms-

Daenerys Targaryen: My father...was an evil man. On behalf of House Targaryen, I ask your forgiveness for the crimes he committed against your family, and I ask you not to judge a daughter by the sins of her father. Our two Houses were allies for centuries, and those were the best centuries the Seven Kingdoms have ever known. Centuries of peace and prosperity, with a Targaryen sitting on the Iron Throne and a Stark serving as Warden of the North. I am the last Targaryen, Jon Snow. Honor the pledge your ancestor made to mine. Bend the knee and I will name you Warden of the North. Together, we will save this country from those who would destroy it.

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