Episode 5

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Jaime Lannister: You could've killed me.

Bronn: The fuck were you doing back there?!

Jaime Lannister: Ending the war. Killing her.

Bronn: You saw the dragon, between you and her? And? Listen to me, cunt: till I get what I'm owed, a dragon doesn't get to kill you. You don't get to kill you! Only I get to kill you!

Jaime Lannister: That was only one of them. She has two more. If she decides to use them, to really use them...

Bronn: You're fucked. 

Jaime Lannister: Don't you mean "we're" fucked?

Bronn: No, I do not. Dragons are where our partnership ends. I'm not gonna be around when those things start spittin' fire on King's Landing!

Jaime Lannister: I have to tell Cersei.

Bronn: Might as well jump back in that river.

Daenerys Targaryen: I know what Cersei has told you: that I have come to destroy your cities, burn down your homes, murder you and orphan your children. That's Cersei Lannister, not me. I'm not here to murder, and all I want to destroy is the wheel that has rolled over everyone both rich and poor, to the benefit of no-one but the Cersei Lannisters of the world. I offer you a choice - bend the knee and join me. Together we will leave the world a better place than we found it. Or refuse...and die. Step forward, my lord. You will not kneel?

Randyll Tarly: I already have a queen. 

Tyrion Lannister: My sister. She wasn't your queen until recently though, was she? When she murdered your rightful queen and destroyed House Tyrell for all time. So it appears your allegiances are somewhat flexible.

Randyll Tarly: There are no easy choices in war. Say what you will about your sister, she was born in Westeros. She's lived here all her life. You, on the other hand...you murdered your own father, then chose to support a foreign invader, one with no ties to this land. With an army of savages at her back.

Daenerys Targaryen: You will not trade your honor for your life. I respect that.

Tyrion Lannister: Perhaps he could take the black, Your Grace. Whatever else he is, he is a true soldier; he'll be invaluable at the Wall.

Randyll Tarly: You cannot send me to the Wall. You are not my queen.

Dickon Tarly: 

Randyll Tarly: Step back and shut your mouth!

Daenerys Targaryen: Who are you?

Randyll Tarly: A stupid boy. 

Dickon Tarly: I'm Dickon Tarly, son of Randyll Tarly.

Tyrion Lannister: You are the future of your house! This war has already wiped one great house from the world. Don't let it happen again, bend the knee!

Dickon Tarly: I will not.

Tyrion Lannister: Your Grace. Nothing scrubs bold notions from a man's head like a few weeks in a dark cell.

Daenerys Targaryen: I meant what I said. I'm not here to put them in chains. If that becomes an option, many will take it. I gave them a choice, they made it. 

Tyrion Lannister: Your Grace, you start beheading entire families...

Daenerys Targaryen: I'm not beheading anyone.

Tyrion Lannister: Your Grace!

Daenerys Targaryen: Lord Randyll Tarly. Dickon Tarly. I, Daenerys Targaryen, first of my name, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons, sentence you to die. Dracarys.

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