Chapter 1

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Shawn’s POV
I woke up lying next to Lilly, breathing in and slowly wanting to get up. But she held on to my arm even stronger and kept me staying.

So I just laid there admiring her beauty- inside her heart and her mind and  also outside her amazing body. I’ve just fallen for that girl. I tried to relax and just enjoy the moment but my thoughts drifted to the future not so far away.

I was going to be on tour and I would leave in two days. I knew I’d miss her so much and she’d miss me but there was no way that she could come with me.

I slowly managed to get up and walk into the kitchen without waking her up. There I made pancakes and I was proud of myself of how good they were smelling, looking and hopefully tasting too.

Lilly’s POV
I woke up by the smell of pancakes. I can tell you it’s a wonderful way to wake up. Even more wonderful if you know that the person who loves you made them.

I stretched my arms and legs and slowly opened my eyes. Shawn was sitting next to me starting to stroke my hair as soon as he saw that I was awake.

"Hey honey. I’ve made pancakes for breakfast. Do you want some?“ he asked softly.
"They smell amazing Shawn," I told him and smiled.
He smiled too.
"And of course I want some. I love pancakes," I said and tried to get up but Shawn held me down.

"Stay here." He went into the kitchen and came back with one coffee for me and one for him too, put them on a little table next to our bed and walked back into the kitchen.

The next time he came out with plates and the pancakes. "What about breakfast in bed..." he said with a smile. I nodded "Great idea.“

We just sat there talking and enjoying each other’s company until we got quiet for a moment and realized that this would have an end soon. At least for a few months. And I knew those months would be hell to me...

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