Chapter 3

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In the morning I left my condo and went outside to meet up with the boys. They were all waiting outside. We drove to the airport in cabs and when we arrived I knew some fans were already waiting.

I took some photos and signed some posters but then I had to rush off to get my flight. As soon as we took off I got this crazy feeling. Excitement but also a sadness... I just couldn’t describe this feeling. But the excitement and happiness overwhelmed me and soon enough I was looking outside the plane window seeing the small world disappear until we were flying over the clouds.

We arrived at the hotel and entered our rooms. They all were on one floor so we could just walk to one another if we needed something.

I unpacked my things and put up a photo of me, my family and Lilly next to my bed. It was one of the things I could never leave at home.

It helped me a lot during my time away. Before dinner was ready we went outside just walking around the hotel, exploring and having fun. Yes, I had fun with them even without Lilly. And I didn’t feel guilty. I knew she wouldn’t want me to be sad all the time and after all it was my life I was living- not hers. But I was so happy to be a part of hers.

I got lost in my thoughts again but still happiness was ruling my thoughts and that was good.
The food in the evening was great. Luckily- no tomatoes.

After having a fun evening we all went into our rooms to go to sleep, watch some tv or call someone. I decided to call Lilly first.
"Hey hunny," she picked up. :Hey. How are you doing?“ I asked her.
"I am okay. What about you? How’s your hotel and how was your flight?" she questioned me.
I answered: "The flight was was good and the hotel is great too."
I kept talking to her the whole evening until we both decided to go to sleep...

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