Talking to Sam

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Like I said I was going to figure out what was wrong with Magnus, so I decided to talk to Sam (because why not). I texted her and told her to met me at Fadlan's when she was done at school. She didn't answer but she was probably in class, I hoped she would come. I went to Fadlan's and waited for Sam,she finally came and i told her my problem. Sam thought for a secound and then said "Oh thats easy, he's acting like that because he has a crush on you and is nervous". Of course i knew that he liked me because i was there when he said it, but that couldn't be right because he never acted like that before. I told her that couldn't be it and she said "well, if you don't believe me then i guess i can't help you and got up and left. i went back to Valhalla and went to my room to think because he admitted he liked me and wasn't like that, but then i kissed him- I suddenly realized why he was acting like that and couldn't help but blush because he was acting like that because of me, i suprised him so much. I didn't want things to be weird between us so i decided i might as well act like nothing happened and hope for the best.

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