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PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!

I know I don't update a lot but I am in the making of a new chapter. It is a longer chapter maybe 500 words at least. There may or may not be angst or maybe a love triangle. But everything is not set in stone. I personally do not like reading or writing angst but I may.

Please vote and comment on my stories and read my other ones (sorry for the self-promo). I love you guys and if you need to vent my DMs are always open. I may not be able to help that much but I'll try. Make sure you are eating  and drinking everyday. You are amazing and beautiful don't let anybody tell you different. Please talk to somebody who can actually help  if you need it and cut if negative/toxic. Make friends that will always have your back and if you feel you aren't good enough just remember you are. If you are feeling m lonely I am here and I need some friends too.
Please stay safe, take showers, drink water, eat food, believe in yourself you worth it, make sure you are social- distancing, wash your hands and sanitize.

FierrochaseWhere stories live. Discover now