If you love me let me go

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Recently I broke up with my boyfriend of two months my parents didn't approve but that isn't why I broke up with him.

When we first started dating I knew nothing about him and I was warned many times not to go out with him because he was sort of a player but I never listen to what other people say anyways so I decided I would give the guy a chance.

I don't regret dating him because he was a sweet guy but he sometimes took things too literally like the time I made a comment and we had an argument about it for two hours or the time I said guys make dirty jokes and he went at me about the fact that I was stereotyping all guys.

He was a little clingy though and I think that bothered me he would text me non-stop for hours on end and at first when we had something to talk about, it was cute eventually though over time it just got annoying because there were days where I just wanted to be left alone but I couldn't tell him that because I felt bad saying it to him.

As time progressed I started to lose feelings for him and I decided that we had grown to far apart for anything between us to be fixed.

So I ended it I tried to make it as painless as possible but when he didn't understand why I wanted to break up with him it turned messy quickly like the sea during a thunderstorm that just formed out of nowhere.

In the end I realized that while we were dating I had felt more alone and alienated then when I was single, but I take part of the responsibility for us drifting apart so much mostly because I like someone else and I learned that he isn't as bad as people make him out to be and I wish our relationship could have ended on better terms.

"If you love me let me go-o-o cause these words are nice enough to leave scars the feel of falling apart" - Panic At The Disco

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