He was innocent but found guilty, so he had to take the fall

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Recently, one of my family members accused me of stealing something that belonged to them. They haven't always been the most trusting person but when it came to me it was more obvious.

That something, that belonged to them was a bead bracelet made by kids at a church. I guess that was all that they think I'm worth a bead bracelet.

Whenever they need something from me I'm always there. I never hesitate to help them because I was raised right but in exchange whenever I need something from them they can never help. For example the week before they had asked me to help them with an application and I didn't need to think it  twice before I immediately said yes and then I proceeded to take time out of my schedule and help them out and in return they accused me of being a thief.

I know family is all we have in this ugly world but sometimes somethings are just unforgivable and when things like that happen you have to learn to distance yourself from people like that.

"He was innocent but found guilty, so he had to take the fall, for ten long years he prayed for the man who got away" - Carl brown

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