Trust me (Zayn Malik Story)

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So my life is pretty normal. I'm 5'3, kind of short I suppose. I have brownish red hair almost to the middle of my back. I'm half Greek so I have nice colored skin. Most people in my school would say I'm the one everyone is friends with and I guess that's true. I'm very easy to get a long with. I live in New York city and no, I don't have a new york accident because I was born in Vermont. When I was 16 (two years ago) I moved to New York to go to an art school here. It took a while to convince my parents to let me come here because I would be living by myself. Most people couldn't afford listing their 16 year old daughter live on their own in the city but my parents are honestly filthy rich. It kind of makes me sick because people think all rich people should be snobby. I think I'm a pretty down to earth person. So, sit back relax and enjoy my roller coaster life.!



School is always fun for me. I get to come here and do what I love to do the most, draw.

"Great job today Ava, I can see a ton of improvement now from the beginning of the semester!" my teacher said to me

"Thank you, that means a lot! I can't believe there is only two weeks left until I graduate!" after saying that I walked out of the building and headed to Starbucks. Everyday i go to Starbucks before going home. Most people would be worried after hearing someone saying that because they would probably be the most hyper person ever, but I absolutely hate coffee I always get green tea.

After getting my tea I head home with my headphones in my ear listening to Ron Popes song Fireflies. It is my favorite song ever.

My song was interrupted by my phone ringing. It was my best friend Shay.

"Hey Shay!"

"Hey girl, guess what!!!"

" Hmm let me guess, one, you saw a cute boy or you just went shopping without me??" Shay always obsesses over boys and clothes, your typical girl.

"NEITHER!" She shouted into the phone.

" Okay then what??" This was new for her, no boys or shopping?

"I just got tickets to a concert for tomorrow!!"

" What concert...." Please don't be one direction please don't be one direction.

"ONE DIRECTION!!!" She shouted once again into my phone.

" Wow that's great, you'll have a lot of fun. Who are you going with" please don't say me

" You silly!! I'll give you the details tonight at your apartment! I gotta go love ya !" before I could get a word in she hung up. Great I'll be spending my Saturday night at a one direction concert. I've never even listened to any of their music before...

Later that night Shay came over and helped me learn about one direction. So far I've learned they are from London and they came third in Xfactor. I also learned their names for when we meet them. Oh I forgot to tell you didn't I? She got meet and greet passes. Just wonderful.

"I'm so excited! I will actually be able to talk to those sexy boys!!" Shay yelled to me while I was in the kitchen finishing up the dinner I made for us. I also went to the art high school for cooking. I loved to cook and I'm not too bad at it.

"Shay, calm down you have a boyfriend remember ?" I said to her as I brought out the homemade pizza.

" I know I know " she said sighing. Her and Tyler have been going out for a little over 2 years now. It is so cute!

Now for me I haven't had a boyfriend since middle school. I guess I didn't have time to date. I mean honestly I feel pathetic some times because I haven't even had my first kiss yet! I'm not complaining though because I'm a very independent person and I don't need a man to keep me happy.

"well it's late and we have to get up early tomorrow so we should get some sleep" she nodded agreeing with me and hopped into my bed. Yes we share the same bed when we have sleepovers mainly because it's a king sized bed and we have been best friends since age 6. To me your best friends are the ones you've had since you were young because they knew you before you let society affect how you acted.

The next morning we woke up at 7 am because we had to get our hair died. My natural color is a very light brown and I absolutely hated it. My hair looks better dark. After getting out hair done we went out to breakfast at a little restaurant. Then we went shopping. We needed outfits for tonight. I wanted to look cute but not a slut like most girls over the age of 16 will be looking like. From forever 21 I got a pair of black high wasted shorts, a striped short sleeved tight fitted shirt and a denim vest. I was going to wear my black converse and bring my black crossover bag. I love to dress casual.

It was an hour before we had to leave so I threw on my clothes and sprayed some hair spray onto my natural curly hair. I wore my vanilla lace perfume from Victoria's secret. It was my favorite. I put on tinted moisturizer because I hate wearing regular foundation and a little eyelinner and mascara. Shay wore a pair of jean shorts and a tank top with a cross on it with a long big knit cardigan and her black combat boots. She looked cute.

The concert started at 8 but we got there at 730. The meet and greet was after the concert so we would probably look gross because of all the hot bodies so close together.

As we took our seats I was surprised when I found out she got front row tickets. I guess it should of been expected, I mean it was Shay. As the boys came out everyone went bananas. It was like they were going to die! I mean they are just normal human beings and they probably don't like being screamed at. But I do have to admit they sounded great. The one with the black hair... Zayn I believe, had the most memorizing voices and he wasn't too bad looking.

After the concert was over we went back stage and was sat in a small room with about 8 other girls who were all fan girling with Shay and I was left alone in the corner.

As the boys walked in they started hugging fans and taking pictures. After 5 minutes I was ready to go but Shay looked so happy so I decided to text my mom to let her know my events of the day. After I hit the send button I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was non other than Zayn Malik.

Trust me (Zayn Malik Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя