chapter 3

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Shay was so happy after i told her about Zayn and I. I mean all we did was talk. Nothing serious was going to happen... I mean he is famous.

I woke up to a text from Zayn. I felt bad because I didnt realize last night. I decided to send him a quick text. " Hey sorry I missed your text last night! It was nice meeting you too! - xxAvaxx"

After that i hopped in the shower. It was very early for most people to awake on a weekend. Every Sunday I wake up at 730 to go to a local Daycare to help out. I love kids and i needed a job. For a daycare it paid pretty well. I worked from 9 to 2 and got 8 dollars an hour. I know what your thinking, your parents are rich.. dont they send you money and blahh blahh blahh. Yes they send me money but i mostly use it for food and to pay my rent. The money i earn from the Daycare goes towards my entertainment. I think that makes me a more resposnsible.

The daycare dosnt really have a dress code so i wore my black ankle lenght leggings black converse and a white vneck and a army green jacket with black sleeves. My hair was natural and no makeup. I never went all out with the way i dress for work. I grabbed my house keys and purse and left. I of course went to starbucks and got my ice tea. I put my earphones into my ears and started listening to Ushers song Twisted. It always pumped me up in the mornings. I felt someone grab my arm. As i turned around it was non other than Zayn Malik. He had the biggest smile on his face which of course made me blush. Why was i like this around him? He was just a normal guy... who happens to be one of the most gorgeous human beings i have ever met.. Ava stop your staring.

" Hey Zayn"

"Hey Ava, sorry if i scared you i just saw you walking and thought i would come say Hi." well that was sweet of him

" that was very nice of you! So what are you doing out so early?" Smooth Ava.

* The boys and I have an interveiw this morning so i thought i would go get some starbucks for us. Why are you out so early?" so he likes starbucks too...

" Belive it or not but i have a job too Zayn" I said probably too coldly but i reasured him with a smile. He smiled back.

" Where do you work?"

" At a daycare, which i should probably get going to or else i would be late" i said with a smile

"okay sorry i didnt mean to hold you up. I should probably get going too, the boys are probably wondering where i am."

" It was nice seeing you again" I said walking away before being grabbed by the arm again

" Do you have any plans tonight?" He asked with his eyes sparkeling. God, why did he have to be so cute. In normal cases i would say lie but...

"nope im free" i said with a smile. I got butterflies in my stomach... weird.

" would you like to do something with me?"

" sure... Just text me the details I really have to go" I left without giving him time to answer. Half way down the block i looked back to see if he was still there. He was. He was watching me walk away with a smirk on his face. I smiled and waved.


During work we arent allowed to check our phones so i was anxious to see if Zayn texted me. I smiled when i found out he did. The text said:

"So i know you'll probably be hungry by the time your done at work. Meet me at the Cafe next to starbucks at 230! - Zayn xx"

I replied "Sounds good! See you soon - xxAvaxx"

I got a nervous feeling in my stomach... I dont know why. I never got this way with guys.

As i approched the cafe he texted me saying he was in the back.. Probably because he was famous and didnt want fans screaming at him.

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