Chapter 11

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It's been a month since Zayn and I got back together. This may sound crazy, but I have agreed to move to London with the guys.

I don't have to buy my own apartment or flat as they say because the boys say they have an extra room in their house.

We left earlier this morning. I told my parents and they were completely fine with it even though they were kind of upset that they haven't met Zayn yet.

On the plane I say next to Zayn. Louis and Harry sat behind Niall and Liam. They were having food fights the whole time. They also got yelled at most of the first few hours of the flight. It was very funny actually.

I really hated airplanes. They really freaked me out. I always take a Benadryl before flights so I can sleep the whole time. I took one an hour before we got on the plane and fell asleep right as the flight took off.

Zayn woke me up with a kiss when we were landing telling me to get up.

I made sure my hair didn't look like a rats nest and got my carry on bag together.

Thankfully we got to London around 3 in the morning so no fans were there.

As we pulled up to the boys house I felt my jaw automatically drop. Their house was huge!

The boys showed me around the house and then showed me my room which was almost bigger than my apartment in new York.

All my things were flown out a week earlier so all my movies and CDs were on a huge book shelf that was built into the wall. I also had a fireplace with a couch in front of it. My bed was very big and comfy. I had my own walk in closet and bathroom. The walls are a pretty greyish purple color. I love it! Oh I almost forgot, my piano was shipped over as well. I needed to start playing again but not tonight I'm too tired. I hopped onto my bed not bothering changing and fell right to sleep.


Ahhhh home sweet home. I actually missed London. New York was amazing and all but there is no place like here. I'm excited to show Ava around and let her finally meet my parents. I don't know when that will be though because they are currently on holiday. I really do miss them.

I helped Ava bring her stuff to her room, gave her a kiss then walked across the hall to my room. I jumped on my bed and fell asleep. It's good to be back.


The next morning or afternoon I guess I woke up at 2 London time which was like 10 New York time. I think. I'm not exactly sure.

I felt absolutely gross so I got into the very nice shower. I stayed in there for like 20 minutes. It felt so nice. When I got out I put on a big chunky cream colored sweater and black leggings and black combat boots. Then I put my hair into a bun. No makeup.

I went downstairs because I was starving. The house was surprisingly quite and I got worried.

I looked into the living room and saw all the boys playing video games.

"Goodmorning boys."

"Morning" they all muttered at the same time. Aren't they polite.

I went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. There was nothing in there. The fridge was totally empty! Didn't these boys eat? I looked around some more and decided to eat a piece of toast. Later I would go to the grocery store for them I guess.

After I ate my toast I went into the living room and stood in front of the tv.

"Heyyyy!!" they all screamed at me. They looked like a bunch of zombies.

Trust me (Zayn Malik Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora