Chapter 15

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I woke up in the morning without a head ache. Thank god, I've had one the past three days.

Today the boys and I will be going to America. Luckily we wont be going to Vermont or New York. I didnt want to see my parents or go back to my old life.

The plane ride went by quick because I was asleep most of the time. We got to the hotel avoiding the fans. Niall and Liam will share a room, Harry and Louis will share one and Zayn and I will share.

We got into the hotel room and i was amazed. The room was huge. We will be staying here in California for a little more than two weeks. The boys only have 5 shows and a few interviews then the rest of the time off. Zayn says he has a big surprise for me but I have no clue what it is and I hate surprises, he knows that.

I went to put my bags down then I was lifted over Zayns shoulder.

"Put me down Zayn!" I said. He laughed then threw me on the bed. He got on top of me and started kissing me. I pushed him away " You have to go to your interview soon." I said.

"We moved it to tomorrow." He said between kisses.I pushed him away again. "Come on Ava." he cried. "Lets go explore the city!" I said. I dont want to stay inside all day. "We can continue this tonight." I added and winked.

It was kind of hot out today so I put on a pair of high wasted shorts and a loose white see through tanktop with a floral bandeau under it. I came out and Zayn was getting changed. He didnt hear me come out so I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his shirtless chest and kissed his back.

"I think I like you better without a shirt on."  I said and he turned around and kissed me. 

"Is Ava Lee Diamond hitting on me?" Zayn asked. I laughed. "Maybe." I said and he leaned down for a kiss and I moved away. He pouted. " Come on get ready." I said then went to put my converses on.

"Im hungry." Zayn said coming out buttoning up his shirt.

"Lets go find some where to eat." I suggested and he nodded. 

When we stepped out of the hotel we made sure we had security with us because their fans were crazy and always ran after them.

We found a little diner and we both ordered burgers and fries with a chocolate milkshake too.

"This is really good." I said when the waiter brought out our food.

"Yea, it is." He said as I saw camera flashes went off.

"Does that ever annoy you? Having paparazzi follow you around all the time.?" 

"Sometimes, but I try to ignore it." He said. I nodded then he paid for the bill.

"Is there anything else you wanna do today?" He asked. I thought about it and didnt feel like doing anything.

"Nope. Lets go back to the hotel." He nodded and we left.

When we got back to the hotel I went to the bathroom and changed into a sports bra with a tank top over it and shorts.

I went out into the room with the TV and saw Zayn sitting there.

"Want to watch a movie?'' I asked. He looked up from his phone and put it on the table.

"I thought we had other plans tonight." He said then pulled me down on his lap. He kissed my cheek and then my lips. I turned more so I was straddled over him. He started kissing my neck so we both could catch out breath. He started to stand up and carried me back to our bed. He threw me down and got on top of me. As he put more of his weight on me I felt my ribs starting to hurt again. The pain was so bad I had to push Zayn away.

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