Chapter One

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June 2019

"Congrats, you guys!" Piper said and raised her glass in a toast. "Annabeth, deep down we knew you would be Valedictorian but we're still happy for you. And Percy, we're glad you made it."

Percy grinned. "True, true, true."

"To Percy and Annabeth!" Piper said in a sing song voice. They all repeated the phrase and clinked glasses.

Piper, Jason, Percy, and Annabeth all sat around a table in a cheap New York style pizza joint. They were in California and it wasn't the same, but it was close. They had still dressed up and adorned themselves with fine accessories for the fun of it. They were graduating, after all.

"You two are so lucky," Jason said and took a sip out of his chipped glass. "Pipes and I still have a year left to go."

"I wouldn't wanna be you," Percy replied and shuddered.

Annabeth smiled. "Thanks for taking us out tonight."

"Of course! You two are graduating tomorrow, you deserve this," Piper said. "I still can't believe it. You two are, like, full fledged adults."

Annabeth laughed. "Yeah, right! We're the opposite. Last night someone dared Percy to eat a slice of pizza we found on the road."

"Did you do it?" Jason asked.

Percy blushed. "I'd prefer some privacy on this matter."

"You did not!" Piper yelled.

"Oh yes he did," Annabeth said, a wide grin appearing on her face. "No matter how much we objected."

"Let's stop shaming me, Miss Couch on Fire," Percy sneered.

All the color drained out of Annabeth's face.

"What?" Jason asked. "Annabeth, the responsible one! What happened?"

"Tell us! Tell us!" Piper and Jason chanted.

"I think we should get going," Annabeth said and started clearing their table. "So should we split the bill, or-?"

"Oh, come on," Percy said. "You can't not tell them now!"

"I can and I will," Annabeth said and smiled weakly. "Now, how are we covering the bill?"

"It's our treat," Jason said and picked up the bill. His eyes widened and he swallowed. "Uh... can we split it?"

Annabeth laughed. "Sure."

She paid their half and left a tip. "Ready to go?"

Percy took her hand and smiled. "Now let's get heading home. We need to actually stay awake tomorrow. Especially you, valedictorian."

"It's Miss Valedictorian to you," Annabeth replied. Percy rolled his eyes and stuck his hand in his pocket and gripped Riptide, which was in pen form. It was growing dark and Percy had a small worry of monsters in the back of his mind.

After a short walk they arrived back at the New Rome Campus. As they slipped into their dorm (they had convinced Reyna to let them share one) they noticed how empty it felt. Most of their stuff was packed in boxes or in a storage room somewhere where they were keeping their stuff until they found an apartment. They had applied for a few but no one had responded yet.

Annabeth slipped off her heels before heading into the bedroom. Percy followed her in.

"What ya up to?" he asked and crashed on the bed as Annabeth pulled out her computer.

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