Chapter Three

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Time skip-July 4th
Camp Half Blood

Annabeth peered up at the amazing firework explosion appearing in the sky above them. Percy gently wrapped his arm around her waist as George Washington started leading his armies in battle.

It was not only a tradition of Percy and Annabeth's to return for the fireworks but of all the seven. Even Hazel and Frank, who were mostly Roman but still enjoyed them with everyone. It was a good reunion and reason to catch up.

"I'll be right back," Annabeth whispered to Percy as she stood up. Percy nodded and continued watching the show. Annabeth made her way to the Athena cabin, ready to finish packing it.

Her siblings had left all her stuff where it was out of respect to her. Since she left for college she had lost her spot as year round counselor and was demoted to only summer counselor.

Then when she graduated she gave the role to Malcolm, who was thrilled. Soon he'd have to find a replacement since he was going off to college in a few years, too.

Ever since the Greeks and Romans had made peace, many Greek demigods were heading over to New Rome to get a safe college education. And New Rome had even agreed to give discounts for demigods from Camp Half Blood.

"Annabeth?" Malcolm asked. Annabeth turned to see her half brother in the doorway of the Athena cabin. "Why aren't you watching the fireworks?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Annabeth replied with a smile. "I'm packing up my things."

Malcolm frowned. "You know, if you want... I'm sure we could convince Chiron to let you keep your stuff there. Just in case."

I chuckled. "Malcolm, you need space for new Athena kids. Besides, I'll have my own apartment soon."

"You sure? You're cutting off all ties to camp, then," Malcolm said. Annabeth frowned. She'd never really thought of it that way...

"Uh, yeah? I mean, I hope I'm ready," Annabeth replied, already over thinking and over analyzing everything. "I haven't lived in an apartment by myself before."

"You're living with Percy, right?" Malcolm asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, but we'll probably have different work schedules. I just realized I don't have a job yet. How am I going to pay for this apartment?"

"Annabeth, you'll get a job," Malcolm said. "Worst comes to worst you'll borrow some money, but hey, everything will be fine."

She could tell from the edge in Malcolm's voice he was lying to her. Athena kids never said fake reassuring stuff like that for real. He was full of it.

"I'll be fine," Annabeth repeated and nodded. "Excuse me."

Annabeth ran out of the Athena cabin and to the edge of the camp. Ignoring Malcom's yells of reassurance to her, she ran faster, fueled by the anxiety. She finally arrived at her comfort spot-Thalia's pine tree.

When Annabeth has first arrived at camp she had lost one of her best friends, and someone who she felt truly cared about her and loved her, so being around an item that reminded Annabeth of her helped.

Annabeth made her way up the first few supporting branches and buried herself into her knees. What was she going to do?

After what seemed like hours of silence she could hear someone approaching. Cautiously she pulled out her dagger in case it was a monster, but she doubted it. Probably a young couple of demigods looking for a private space to make out.

"Annabeth? I know this is your panic spot," she heard Percy's concerned voice say. Percy readjusted the branches of the pine to see Annabeth, curled up and clutching her dagger.

"Are you okay?" Percy asked as he tried to climb into the tree to help her down. "Is it something I said? You just kind of.... disappeared and I asked Malcolm and he said you were freaking out about the future."

"I-I'm not," Annabeth stuttered through tears.

Percy frowned and moved a branch so he could see her face clearly. Tears shown on her red cheeks. "Hey, what's wrong?"

She swallowed nervously and placed her face in her hands, not wanting Percy to see her upset. She was supposed to be brave, not some crybaby. "I...I guess I'll just miss New Rome."

Percy could tell she was lying, but he decided not to push her. She would tell him whatever was upsetting her when she felt ready, there was no need to rush her.

"I understand. I'm all ears if you want to talk about it. And I'm certain countless other people are, too," he said, trying to soothe her. He flashed a goofy grin at her before offering her his hand. "Can I help you down so we can talk it through in my cabin? Or just cry it through if you'd like."

A small smiled tugged at Annabeth's lips before she slipped her hand into his. He helped her down. When she landed she quickly wiped the tears off her face.

"I guess we can head to your cabin," she said.

"We could go anywhere to make you feel comfortable. Hell, I'd take you to New Rome right now if you told me to."

That made Annabeth almost burst into tears again, but tears of happiness.

"N-no, your cabin is fine."

He led her back to the Poseidon cabin, which was deserted. Poseidon hadn't had any new kids yet, or ones old enough to be at camp anyways.

Percy set her down gently on the bed where he covered her in a blanket and sat himself down next to her.

After a few moments of silence Annabeth spoke. "I'm not missing New Rome."

Percy had been right, but he didn't flaunt that in her face. She was sharing her insecurities with him, something he was happy she felt comfortable with in their relationship.

"I'm scared, Percy. We don't have jobs yet, and we may not get them. The job market isn't always looking for architects and Marine Biology activists."

"That's true," I said. "We just have to hope. And besides, we still have a good bit of savings left. Who says our first jobs have to be our dream jobs? We can always work other places that might not be ideal at the moment. Then we'll get good jobs when the time is right."

Annabeth absorbed all of Percy's words. They were what she needed. And he was what she needed.

"You're absolutely right, Percy," she said blankly. "You're-you're right."

Then she broke down in tears. Tears of joy. She pulled him into a long and tight embrace and didn't let go for a few minutes.

When they pulled apart Annabeth wiped the tears out of her eyes and readjusted herself. Then she laughed lightly.

"What?" Percy asked.

She smiled. "I can't believe I had such a fit over something stupid like that."

"Hey, it wasn't stupid. That's a valid fear," Percy said.

"I guess you're right," Annabeth replied. "Thanks for calming me down. You're the new rational person here."

"We both have our moments."

Aftermath-Percabethحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن