Chapter Forty-Four

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"You have the day off, right?" Annabeth asked, peering up from the newspaper she was currently reading.

Percy frowned. "Why?"

She placed down the newspaper, worry growing on her face. "I have two back to back interviews and there's no one to watch the kids."

"I have that big report today, remember?" he asked. "I'll just call my mom."

"Sally's on a book tour right now. With Paul and Estelle, they're all gone, I checked," Annabeth replied hastily. "What are we going to do now?"

Percy stood up and stretched his legs. "I guess hire a babysitter? What about daycare?"

"You don't remember, don't you?" Annabeth asked, causing Percy to turn red. "One of the kids got lice, the whole thing had to shut down for two weeks."

His eyes widened. "Two weeks? Do our kids have lice now?"

Annabeth shook her head. "No, I already checked them both, and it happened that week we both had time off, so they didn't go...."

"Oh, well, I guess we could have one of our friends watch them," Percy suggested. "How about Grover and Juniper?"

"I called," Annabeth said while shaking her head. "Busy. Piper and Jason are both working, and Hazel and Frank are visiting New Rome."

Percy's eyes lit up. "Leo! Leo and Calypso!"

"You're suggesting we leave our children with Leo?" she asked.

"Well, Calypso'll be there. They managed it once!" Percy said. "Besides, it's the only option we have!"

Annabeth sighed and nodded. "You're right. You're totally right...."

She called Calypso, who was more than excited to babysit, although she would be doing it alone since Leo had to stay at the shop.

She was there within half an hour, which was suspicious and totally broke several speed limits, but neither Percy nor Annabeth cared about that.

"Thank you so much," Annabeth said as Calypso walked inside, a smile on her face. "You're a lifesaver."

Calypso shrugged. "I need the practice. And Marina and Charlie are just the cutest. Where are the little ones?"

After showing her around their schedule both Percy and Annabeth left, both anxious about Calypso babysitting.

After a few hours Annabeth arrived home, clearly flustered.

"Annabeth, what are you doing home so early?" Calypso asked a worried Annabeth. "Didn't you have a few job interviews?"

Annabeth sighed and sat down. "I did, yeah, but a few of them let me go early. Well, all of them did. I'm never going to find a job, am I?"

Calypso, who was always very hesitant around everyone, wrapped her arms around Annabeth. "Of course you are, Annabeth. You're smart, caring, kind, and the best damn worker there is!"

Annabeth wiped the tears that had been forming in her eyes. "R-really? What if I d-don't?"

"That won't happen," assured Calypso, patting Annabeth's back. "You're going to get a job, you just need to stop worrying so much about the kids. I can watch them, Annabeth."

"No, I can't ask you to do that," she replied firmly.

Calypso laughed. "Annabeth, I like watching them. I need the practice, anyways. And I know you'd never let a nanny near them."

Annabeth sighed. "You're right, I just—"

"Your daycare will re-open soon," Calypso said, interrupting her. "Until then, I can watch the kids. It's not like I have a high demand job or anything."

Annabeth smiled hesitantly before pulling Calypso into a hug. "Thank you."

Calypso's smile widened. "Of course, Annabeth."

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