Chapter Twenty-Nine

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After a few long and anxious hours, Percy arrived at the hospital. Although he was covered in scratches and his clothes were ripped-he was there.

Once Percy arrived, Annabeth was instantly calmed down and was able to deliver a healthy baby.

"Congratulations, it's a girl!" the doctor said with a smile as tiny screams bellowed throughout the room.

Percy's face grew warm as he stared down at his daughter. Although she was squirming around, she was gorgeous, just like her mother.

"How is she?!" Annabeth demanded as Percy smiled. "Is she okay?"

Percy laughed and watched as they wrapped her in a plush blanket. "She's perfect, Annabeth."

After being washed off, she was delivered to the happy couple, who couldn't be more ecstatic.

"Hey, what's up. I'm Percy," Percy introduced himself, which she just yawned at. "Awwww, she's tired..."

Annabeth nodded. "I feel the same way. Besides, she'd had a pretty huge day today."

After admiring their daughter for a few more minutes, a small knock at the door awoke them from their trance.

"May we come in?"

Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Calypso, and Leo all walked in, all wearing smiles.

Once Annabeth had made it to Piper and Jason's house, they had instantly called their other demigod friends and Camp Half-Blood. Piper and Jason stayed with Annabeth until Percy arrived, which was a few hours.

The campers had taken care of the swarm and were suffering no casualties. All older counselors had rushed to the hospital and were waiting in the waiting room as they all knew Percy and Annabeth well.

"How are they doing?" Piper asked, instantly rushing over to the two of them. Her eyes widened as she saw her.

"Oh my gods, she is adorable!" Jason said as he smiled down at her. "They are a she, right?"

Percy laughed and nodded in response. "Yes, she's a girl. My daughter. I have a daughter."

All of the demigods huddled her and took turns passing her around, which caused Percy and Annabeth, as new parents, to wince.

"Do you two have a name?" Frank ask as he swayed her back and forth.

Annabeth looked at Percy. "I, uh, no. Not really. We thought we still had time....Any ideas?"

"Leo," interjected Leo immediately. "It works for either gender."

Calypso playfully slapped his arm. "Ignore him."

"We've been tuning him out for years," Piper replied as the baby was passed to her.

"Have you at least got a middle name?" Hazel asked as she cooed at the baby.

Percy nodded. "Of course. Sally."

"Awww, that's so sweet," Piper said. "But still no first name?"

Percy shrugged and peered at Annabeth. "Well, I have a couple ideas, but-"

"Hello?" a nurse asked as the door was pushed open. "I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but the maximum amount of visitors is three, so I kindly ask you to give the parents and the baby some rest."

The demigods sighed and said their goodbyes to Percy and Annabeth and their daughter, who just stretched and mainly ignored them.

"Would you like me to place her in the nursery with the other babies so you two can get some rest?" the same nurse asked as she walked over to them.

Annabeth glared at her. "No, this is fine. I can keep holding her, right?"

Annabeth's voice was so small and frail the nurse just nodded. "Yes, of course. You can just set her down in the crib next to your bed when you feel like it."

Although Annabeth doubted that was anytime soon, she nodded and thanked the nurse.

Percy wrapped his arm around Annabeth and winced as she kissed the side of his face.

"Are you alright?" Annabeth asked as she suddenly realized how badly Percy was injured. When he'd first rushed in, she'd been so glad he was there she overlooked everything, but the nurses and doctor's gasp unnerved her.

Percy grimaced. "I'll live. More importantly, how are you?"

Annabeth laughed. "I'm good. Amazing, actually. So, now that we're alone....what were your few ideas on her name?"

"Oh, uh, you don't want to hear about that now..." Percy laughed and itched the back of his neck.

Annabeth narrowed her eyes at him. "You know I do, Perce. What are you thinking?"

Percy smiled and shrugged. "I guess, uh, I like Marina. But if you have any other ideas, they would probably be better, or..."

"I love it," Annabeth admitted. "Marina Sally Jackson Chase. It's so pretty, just like her..."

"She does look like she likes the name. Huh, Marina?" Percy asked and gently tickled her chin. In response she stretched and slowly opened her eyes.

Her eyes were a deep sea green with specks of light blue blended in. She had a golden ring around her pupils, and a certain twinkle in her eye she'd inherited from Percy-a twinkle of mischief.

"She....she has my eyes. My eyes," Percy said with aghast. "Mine..."

Annabeth laughed and pulled her baby tighter to her chest. "She sure does..."

After a few minutes of peering into her eyes, the door opened again and Sally rushed in.

Annabeth had called Sally on the way to the hospital. She arrived shortly after they did and was at Annabeth's side until Percy arrived and after. She only left shortly after Marina was born to go meet Paul and Estelle to bring them to the hospital.

"Meet Marina Sally Jackson Chase," Annabeth said as she handed Marina to Sally, who wiped a tear from her eye.

Sally bounced Marina a bit, which caused her to smile. "You look just like your daddy when he was a baby....same eyes, same smile...."

Then Estelle and Paul entered, and Estelle immediately ran to Sally and baby Marina. After begging to hold Marina, they propped Estelle up on a chair with several pillows and let her hold her.

"She's cute," Estelle said. Then Marina grabbed her finger with her fist. "I think she likes me..."

After a hectic night of introducing Marina to all of their friends and family, Percy and Annabeth finally got a moment to themselves.

"Am I too late?" Fredrick asked as the door opened.

Annabeth smiled. "Dad...? What are you doing here?"

He smiled dryly. "You think I'd miss seeing my grandchild? No way. Now let me see them."

Still confused on how he'd heard and got there in time, Annabeth handed over Marina to Fredrick, who instantly smiled.

"She's got your nose, you know?" Fredrick noted. "And your head shape. Totally."

Annabeth laughed. "How can you even tell this early?"

"You can," Fredrick explained. "Same way I found out you had my nose..."

Annabeth reached for her nose and nodded. "I suppose you're right."

"She's beautiful," Fredrick said matter-of-factly. "Simply gorgeous. And I know she's in good hands."

Percy smiled. "Oh, yes. She's in the best hands here. I'll never let anything happen to her."

"Me neither," Annabeth agreed. "Besides, how hard can raising a kid be? I mean, she's so small..."

Fredrick just laughed. "You two are so young and naive. Reminds me of when I first had Annabeth."

Annabeth smiled fondly upon the memory and stared down at her daughter's face. Then she wondered, how could any God not stay with their child? This's indescribable.

Percy was thinking the same thing.

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