Chapter Twenty-Six

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After a long day of reviewing architecture plans at her firm, Annabeth was ecstatic to go home and see Percy.

She was more tired than usual, and the painstaking hours at her job weren't making her feel any better. But she knew seeing Percy would make everything alright.

"Percy, I'm home!" Annabeth yelled tiredly as she concealed a yawn. She closed the door behind her and hung up her bag and coat. "Percy?"

Worry grew in her chest as she started rummaging around in her bag. She quickly pulled out her bronze dagger and started dialing Piper's number.

She snuck into the main room to see if Percy was there, but it was deserted. She quickly grew anxious and ran to the bedroom door, which was slightly ajar.

Then a large and uncharacteristic cough came from her bedroom, which made her stop in her tracks.

She wondered if she should knock again, but if whatever was in her house hadn't heard her, she could use that to her advantage.

Then she shoved the door open, knife raised. Instead of seeing a ginormous monster or creature, Percy sat in the middle of their bed surrounded by blankets.

Annabeth released a sigh of relief before heading over to him. "Percy, I'm home."

"No!" Percy instantly yelled, his eyes twitching. He rushed away from her. "I'm not feeling well."

"Do you have a fever?" Annabeth asked softly and reached out to touch his forehead, but he swatted her hand away.

"Don't touch me. I'm sthick."

Annabeth rolled her eyes and reached for his forehead again, only to get slapped again. "I know. That's why I'm trying to help you. Now would you let me, please?"

Percy crossed his arms over his chests and shook his head defiantly. "Out! Now. You can't get sthick or it'll hurt the baby. Now go! Sthay away from me, Annabeth."

"You can't be this ridiculous," Annabeth said. "How would this hurt me? I'll just get sick. That's the worst of what could happen."

Percy clucked his tongue with much difficulty. "Have you even read a parenting book? Your immune sthysthem ith weak right now."

Annabeth turned red, realizing she had been neglecting her studying, which was very uncharacteristic of her. "You're right, you're right. I'm sorry. I'll just go made you some soup, how's that?"

"Annabeth, you don't understhand!" Percy moaned. "You stheriousthly need to sthay away from me! They sthent me home sthick today!"

"Percy, you promised me you'd stop freaking out over every single thing," Annabeth reminded him. He shrugged her off. "Besides, where am I going to sleep tonight? Your germs are already on the bed."

Percy narrowed his eyes at her. "You're not getting out of this, Chasthe."

Annabeth sighed and walked out to the kitchen and showered their pantry for a can of soup. After locating it she turned on the stove and waited for it to start warming up.

"Aaaanaaaabethhh!" Percy whined as loudly as he possibly could. The word was followed by a large coughing fit. "You better not be making me food in there!"

Annabeth narrowed her eyes and walked into the bedroom, which caused Percy to hyperventilate.

"What did I tell you, Annabeth? Listhen to me and leave. Leave me here to die!" Percy cried dramatically. Annabeth rolled her eyes and approached him, which caused him to squirm.

"Never," replied Annabeth, playing into Percy's drama. She walked over to him and forced him to lay down and calm himself down, something Percy was never good at, sick or well.

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