Chapter 9 "Blume Yagi's BackStory"

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(this is my oc so no stealing! yes i have alot of ocs, but i love them!)
"Hi my name is Blume Yagi...heh yeah I know weird name right? anyways i'm here to tell you my backstory so here I go," I was born on on June 1st both of my mother loved me a lot, but my dad...not so much. My dad always never helped raising me at all and I don't know why, but when I was about 6 months old I started to say a couple of words not many I would say "mama" when my moms around or when i'm watching the news and see All Might on the I would say "Mighty!" my mom would always smile and hug me tight...even that day when my mom found out my dad was a dad was furious when my mom was looking through his things so my mom locked us in the basement and called the police to bring the pro heroes to her place and gave them her location and hung up and heard a lot of banging at the door and heard more people with my dad she quickly ran upstairs from the other door the goes outside and shuts it quietly, but quickly and ran into the woods and hid and noticed the villains were looking for her and quickly hid me in a bush and they saw my mom and shot her down with their quirks and she fell to the ground I was shaking and didn't know what was going on until I heard other people plus a loud booming voice "I AM HERE!," it was All Might I didn't know what to say or what to think I was just a 6 month old baby so what I knew to do cry and yell "Mighty!" to get his attention and he heard my cries and he noticed one villains going near the bush and he quickly ran over and punched him into a tree "you better not harm this little one or you'll regret it...!," he moved the bushed and picked me up and noticed my mom laying there coughing up a lot of blood "M'am are you okay?," my mom looked at him shaking "I-I got shot b-by one of their m-mans quirks...I-I feel really weak...," He looked at the police and quickly gave me to the police "you keep her safe i'll I handle the villains!," in with that it only took him a good 8 minutes and he caught them and they were headed into police cars and he head my mom carrying her and the ambulance took her and one of the detectives name Naomasa Tsukauchi one of All Might's friend's looked at him "All Might what about this little girl?," He looked at me and frowned feeling bad " guess i'll watch her," the Tsukauchi looked at him shocked "you sure? what about your hero work?," He smiled and laughed "don't worry I think i'm going to take a break to see if that M'am is alright!," so he took me out of the detectives hands and ran to the hospital holding me tight to make her I don't fly out of his hands. After we got to the hospital "sir! there was a moth woman that just came in with serious injures from a villain attack is she alright?," the doctor looked at him and lowered his head "she didn't make it All Might...i'm really sorry...," He looked at me and frowned "but what about this little girl...that was her mother...!," the doctor looked at him "her names Blume the woman told us before she died...," He looked at me and rubbed my her gently with his big hand "Blume huh...? well...i'll take care of her...I couldn't save her mother...I can still here a life that she deserves...cause I...All Might...will be father...!," After that day he become my adopted father and I was happy that he will be my new dad after I turned 4 my quirk activated and well I was flying around and having fun my dad, but when I turned 5 things changed...after he got hurt...well when he got blasted in the stomach by that villain he wasn't the same like seriously he cough up so much blood it scared me "d-daddy are you okay!?," he looked at me and smiled and rubbed my head "heh...yea i'm alright kid...just been having a lot of problems ever since I got hurt from...nevermind, but really i'm fine...," he lifted me up and held me close and stroked his fingers through my hair to relax me "i'll always be here for protect you, to care for you, to love you, and to support matter what...," I just sniffled and cried softly "b-but...your hurt and y-you've been not eating as much as you used to...," he kept stroking through my hair with my fingers while rubbing my back gently "don't worry Blume...i'm just need to worry about yourself...i'm glad your worried about me, but i'm fine really...," I looked at him and sniffed "d-dad...?," he looked at me "yes dear?," I smiled a little with tears in my eyes "i'll become a great pro hero...just like you dad...!," he smiled and tears up "I know you will Blume sweetie...I know you will...!," Now since i'm ten now i've been working on my quirk a lot to go the U.A School where my dad once went to...I mean that is a high goal for me to have yes, but i'm not giving up my dreams or my goals for becoming a great pro hero...just like my father...All Might...! I won't fully be as strong, smart, or helpful like my dad, but i'll try to be the best pro hero I can be even if I fail i'll keep getting up and doing it again and again until you reach to success! "So now you know my past life everyone, now i'm going to watch some movies with my dad!," 
(more stories are coming in plus no stealing my ocs! and one more thing to say...PLUS ULTRA!)

My Hero Academia Back Story (For My Ocs) (Canceled)Where stories live. Discover now