Time Capsule

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Chapter 1
-Time Capsule

It was the day we finally opened the time capsules we've buried in middle school. It was the day we finally meet again, after years of no communication or meetups or anything.

I walked through the mini-forest that we used to hang out in. Climbing the trees and eating lunch on the branches, laughing and talking. It was close to our school so all we had to do was sneak past the guard.

I whimpered because of the nostalgic feeling but pulled myself together when I looked behind the tree to find them all gathered around the time capsule. They stood around the spot, dead silent.

"Can't believe you'd start without me." I sneered and stood into an empty spot. They stood there, dead silent and staring onto the spot we buried our letters.

I scanned all of them, wondering if people's appearance could change this much. Clint had many scars on his face, tattoos on his arm and an eye patch covering his right eye. Kim looked as slim as a stick, as if she was starving herself. Smilly lost her glasses and had a cigarette in between her fingers. Luca had a mask covering half of his face and wore a cap the covered the other half. He was wearing contact lenses that made his eyes light brown. Griffin grew his black hair long enough that his bangs covered his eyes completely. Velvet's face was drowning in make-up that I could tell. Her former squinted eyes were different and her skin tone changed drastically.

"Well..." Clint started as he bent his knees and began digging the hole until he got the metal container which was filled with letters. He opened it up with everyone's attention but instead of handing everyone their letter, he got my letter and opened it for himself.

"This is a bit awkward." I commented, watching then fidget and glance around to avoid the atmosphere.

"Awkward." Luca gritted his teeth, slightly smiling.

"Don't worry, I'll read this letter..." His voice trailed off when he glanced at my really long letter. Everyone rushed to Clint to take a peek and groaned yet had a hint of happiness.

"Just read the first sentence of every paragraph." Smilly suggested, Clint nodding to that and taking another good look at the piece of paper.

"You had to do this." I covered my face with embarrassment but still peeked through the gaps of my fingers.

"For you guys, Seven Heaven." Clint started reading the first few words and everyone already chuckled. I smiled, seeing them smile for the first time after long years. Griffin snatched the paper from Clint's hands and read the next few lines as he brushed his bangs aside.

"I hope you're doing alright and good. Griffin, I think boys are alright and you should follow your heart because love is love." Griffin spaced out handing the paper to Luca to who had his name on the next paragraph.

"Luca, who cares if people think your eyes are weird because blue and brown eyes are pretty amazing, 2 colors in 1 guy..." Just like before, Luca threw the letter to Kim who almost dropped it.

"Kim, I think chubby is cute and being chubby isn't bad and keep baking to make the world sweet." As Kim was handing it over to Smilly, she started reading it in Kim's hands.

"Smilly, you're really smart and creative and I hope to see you get plenty awards and medals because of it, I'm cheering for you.." Smilly sighed, throwing the cigarette on the ground as she gave the paper to Clint.

"Clint, you're a good guy and I know you're not bad like you dad so prove to others that you are a soft, lovely boy." Clint grinned a bit but got the paper snatched by Velvet.

"Velvet, your eyes are so cute and your skin is very unique and I love it so you shouln't change yourself to please others..." Velvet read aloud, deeply sighing as she stared at the sky.

"Guys, what's wrong?" I asked myself, wondering what the cause of their miserable lives were. They were dead silent, more silent than before since none of them dared to move. They just stood there, frozen and paralyzed.

"We were supposed to write to ourselves." Smilly sighed, coughing as she checked the other letters.

"Damn it."

"That's no fun, Avi."

"Where did I go wrong?" I combed my hair with my fingers and bit my lip.

"Where, where, where?" I raised my voice, glancing at their depressed faces.

"Where the hell did I go wrong?!" I screamed then I everything went black.

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