Clint Quentin

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Chapter 2
-Clint Quentin "Criminal"

I combed my hair using my fingertips to remove the tangles. I didn't have enough time to get ready so I skipped a lot of important steps in my morning routine and forgot to bring any food or money. Even if I remembered, I doubt I'll get any of the them.

As I was crossing the street, I spotted a familiar face trying to run away from some guy on a motorcycle who was chasing him. I quietly walked closer, avoiding their attention and sound. I was just a short distance away from them but they sure didn't know how to whisper.

"Chris, please. Don't drive me to school." He whispered in a pleading way with begging eyes and hands together.

"Clint, I swear. We're in the same side here. I'm not dad and definitely not in jail, like him." The rider chuckled as he drove forward to chase Clint, my classmate. I quickened my pace to catch up with their conversation.

"I don't want to get seen with you. You're just like dad." He mumbled the last part, glancing the floor.

"Oh, yeah? What good do you do to us?"

"Just leave me alone. I didn't even want to be born into this family. I wished I ran away with mom-" Chris almost ran over Clint as he grabbed his shirt and really whispered something I couldn't hear. Clint's face darkened as he forced him onto the floor.

"Hop on." He ordered, glaring his eyes onto him. I ran towards Clint, wrapping my arm around his shoulder and rubbing his hair. He tried to get out of my grip, almost annihilating me and my weak arms but I secretly pinched his arm to warn him.

"You told me you'd wait for me by the store and this is where I find you?"


"No excuses! I don't want to...oh, were you guys talking? Crap, I interrupted something, right?" My eyes slowly focused on Chris guy who was as confused as Clint. He shrugged, groaning a bit as he put on his helmet.

"I'll never be your brother." He growled, leaving Clint with a very depressing and boiling face.

"You good? Sorry about pinching you." I asked, waving my palms in front of his face. He got startled, stepping back to catch balance.

"Yep. It's all good, thanks for saving me..." He stretched the sentence, staring at me but avoiding eye contact. He was taller than me so he didn't have any reason to feel intimidated by little ol' me.

"Avery, call me Avi. I'm in your class, Clint! Do you even pay attention?" I nagged, smacking his head as I tiptoed to even reach it.

He walked in silence since I was the one talking the whole time. He really didn't have anything to say and he was all shy and quiet. I couldn't believe people were spreading rumors about him that he was a thug and a criminal but he's just the complete opposite. Just because his dad was a criminal, doesn't mean he'll become like him. Dumb kids in school.

"Hey, if someone calls you something bad, call me and I'll throw them away, okay?" He nodded, gazing somewhere else besides my determines face.

"I don't know when it'll stop, the rumors, I mean. Thanks for standing up for me, really nice of you."

"No problem, Clinty!" I sang, patting his back.

"I guess this is goodbye now." My eye narrowed and jaw fell a bit as we both entered school grounds. He was looking around, pretending I was gone that he got startled again when he saw me standing there.

"We're in the same class, might as well eat together in breaks, right?" He gave a small nod, sprinting to catch up with me.

"Thanks, Avery. I don't get why you're not scared of me."

"Avi. You better not leave me when I come looking for you in first break. And I'm a boy." He cheerfully nodded but froze. He stared at me, scanning me a bit then slowly nodded.

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