Velvet Chua

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Chapter 6
-Velvet Chua "Ching Chong"

"Yes! 2 days is done!" Luca nervously gave me a high five as he eyed the movie posters using the corner of his eye.

"Oh! Let's watch that one!" Clint excitedly pointed at a poster with a horror theme and a PG-13 sign on it and immediately gave me excitement and the shivers. I turned to Luca, watching him hesitate to leave or not.

"If you don't want to watch that, we could always watch-"

"No! Let's watch that!" He blabbered and wobbled to the cashier. They all took their wallets out to get their school I.D to prove that we're over 13 and some cash for the tickets. I slapped all my pockets and sighed when I realized they were empty.

"Sorry, guys. I can't go. I have no money." They all groaned, including Luca who was brand new by the way, and all brought out coins that was enough for another ticket. Clint forced my hand open and dropped the coins with a smile.

"We won't leave you."

"Thank you." I embarrassingly smiled and turned to the cashier who was awkwardly standing there as we did our little moment of friendship. We ordered and paid for the tickets, showed our school I.Ds and bought some snacks Smilly paid for.

We fell in line, almost finished the snacks before we even got to our seats.

"Ching chong going to watch a movie?" The girl in front of us turned her head to us but we turned back as well to see a bunch of guys that were lining up as well. They pushed us aside, knocking out the soda can out if Kim's hand and made their way to her.

"Stop calling me ching chong. I haven't even been to Asia." She remarked with a stern voice, sipping up her soda.

"Whatever. I'll call you however I want."

"So same." She forced a cough and looked up.

"Oh~ White boy! Oh, so country music? You like them country music and burgers and fries and being unhealthy, right? Oo, white boy, white boy." She mocked, spitting on their shoes while Kim made her way towards their back and kicked the one in the middle in their ribs which got them falling on the floor.

"You're paying for my soda." Kim glared at the guy who was whimpering on the ground, clutching his side.

"Eat whatever you want, fatty."

"Ah?!" She yelled, putting her foot above his head.

"I don't really like you racism." I squat down to look at him carefully before I flicked his forehead and smacked his cheek.

"Just leave. You'll loose anyways." Smilly sighed and we all watched them ran to the convenience store to buy some bandages.

"You're cool." The girl fist bumped Kim who also damaged the guys. She then looked at me and gave me a fist bump. Actually, she gave everyone fist bumps.

"I'm Velvet Chua. From Kingsley too?" She eyed our uniforms and smiled.

"Nice. Let's have fun."

We entered the dark movie theatre and admired the giant screen where movie trailers and ads were being shown. We found our assigned seats and settled in. I tilted the popcorn to Luca who sat on my right and he gladly took a handful before stuffing it into his mouth.

The movie was started and the seat to my left was empty. I turned to Velvet who sat on the edge of the row and tried to get her attention.

"Psst!" She finally turned to me but with an annoyed face. I gave her a small smiled before pointed at the seat beside me. Her eyes squinted before she crouched towards the seat. She sat down then her eyes were glued to the screen.

"Don't disturb me."

"Avi, I don't think I'll make it." Luca whined, covering his eyes from the screen where the movie was barely starting.

After the movie, Luca was clinging onto my arm and showed no sign of letting go. His eyes were wide open and arms were covered in goosebumps. He was shivering and recorded by Kim.

"Ah, Velvet! Meet us tomorrow in front of the gates before school. Eat with us tomorrow, if you want." She jerked her head back then smiled.

"Oh, cool. I'll see you then."

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