Avery Phoenix

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Chapter 10
-Avery Phoenix "Girly Girl"

I woke up from my sleep, drowning in tears and regret still. I scanned the environment, the mini-forest we used to hang out in. The open time capsules were on the ground, scattered and wet with tears.

"I wish I was dead." I whimpered, digging my hands into my hair and sat upright on the blanket.

"Screw this life." I cried, coughing into my hands. I stared at them and felt a bit of warmth. I cracked a small smile and felt like everyone was still here, with me. I stared at the scattered letters and took one from the pile. It was empty so it was a bit suspicious but who cares right now.

I flipped the paper and scared myself from the writing that existed.

'Close your eyes'

I had no hope so I followed it. I closed my eyes, sniffling and clenching my fists. After a while, I peeked a bit and choked when I saw Clint crouching in front of me with a sweet smile.

"Clint!" I hugged him, whining as I almost strangled him. He forced me off with a small giggle and eyed something behind me. I turned around and saw everyone. My teeth appeared and eyes crinkled as I ran and jump onto them.

"I missed you guys!" I yelled, tightening my grip.

"Wait, we're only here for a while."

"What do you mean?" I let go and stared at Griffin who was sighing.

"We're only here for a while only to clear things up." Kim eyed somewhere else instead of my eyes and bit her lips.

"It's like...our last wish." Luca smiled a bit.

"Whatever. Let's get things started." Velvet threw her hair back and sat down on the blanket, eyeing everyone to sit down as well.

"We made you have the dream." Clint started.

"I had the idea of making you feel what it's like to be in our place. I'm sure it's unfortunate for us but it'll make us even more depressed if you join us after you survived." Smilly took my hand and squeezed it.

"It's what would happen if you didn't invite us to travel. You'd be affected too." Griffin crossed his arms.

"I had fun. Really fun. Funnest of my life so don't regret inviting us."

"You were scared the whole time, Luca."

"Shut up, Velvet! We only got a small amount of time!" He turned to me and smiled, still keeping his hands on Velvet's face as she tried to hit him.

"Don't join us, please. It was a miracle that you survived."

"I drove you to death." My eyes watered and everything started to blur again.

"No, you didn't. That car did." Clint wrapped his arms around me, whining just like me.

"We just wanted to remind you the times of us together and what would happen if you didn't unite us again. I'm glad you picked this route." Kim smiled.

"I'm sorry but we have to go." Griffin looked up, sliding his long bangs aside.

"So soon?"

"If you join us, I'll kill- no, revive you!" Velvet threatened and walked away without turning back.


"I'll see ya when you're old."

"Luca, no."

"I'm gonna watch over you don't worry."

"Griffin, stay-"

"Bye bye, Avi!" Kim waved.


"I'll see you next time."

"Smilly, stop!"



I opened my eyes and quickly sat upright. I scanned around my surroundings to find anyone but I was the only one. I looked up, watching a small leaf fall on top of me.

I blew it off my face and scoffed. I fell backwards onto my back and sighed. I reached my hands forward to the sky and tried to reach for them.

"I'll miss you."

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