You lied to me!

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Mikasa's POV
"I just don't get it, why would you lie like that especially to me?" I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. " I mean to us, why you would you do that to your team, your classmates, your partners and friends?" After everything that Hange told me about Eren that crystal shattered but, Annie still alive it helped me but it also worried me. The reason for that was because I was glad that she would still be alive but, I don't know why I feel that way. The other was because I was scared on how she was gonna react and if she will remember me coming in her for our "talks".

Mostly because our "talks" were mostly me yelling at her, outside of the crystal ball. She always acted like everything was fine, I guess that's why I was intrigued and curious by her. She acted like she didn't have a care in the world whether she lost someone, cared about someone, or had/has feelings for someone. "Why couldn't you just tell me the truth?" I was still yelling at her by this point, and I don't know if it was about me being lied to/manipulated by her, by me getting hurt by her, or if it was something else completely.

I don't know why I was feeling this way, so hurt and betrayed by the person that I least interacted with or had any sort of conversation with at all. "Why lie to me?" "You always talked about us not trusting you, when in reality it was you not trusting us especially with this!" Sometimes I wished that I could just punch that crystal ball open until it broke and waking her up by yelling at her and asking these questions to her face. Eren and Armin have been getting worried about me because I haven't been eating or sleeping much.

I don't blame them but, how can you continue your life or continue living when you just realized that one of the people that was on your team, your class, and almost your partner that you trusted but only by 50%. I told them that I appreciated there concern but, I am fine and I can take care of my self. They didn't seem to by it though because they either gave me looks or were talking to each other about how they are worried about me. Honestly it's completely crazy how I am acting and saying this stuff to someone that I hardly knew and that is trapped in a crystal ball until tomorrow. Though I am afraid I have to ask two questions while she is still inside until I have the courage to say it to her directly, "Annie when I found your ring were you afraid that I found out your secret or were you afraid of telling me that you were the exact female titan that we were looking for?" "Either because you didn't know how to say it, how I would react, whether I would be hurt by it, turn you in, or something completely different that you didn't wanna tell me?"

P.S. Sorry for not updating much, my tablet has been acting up and because I am not usually writing books or fan fictions about my fave ship. This is my first book so pls go easy on me also thank you for the love and support for those of you that are sticking with me.

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