How I feel??

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Annie's POV

After the memory that I was remember, I started to hear voices not in my head but, outside like if somebody was talking to me or around me. I felt my body being pulled out of the crystal ball that I put myself in and I realized that they found a way to get me out and now they are either gonna do three things, 1) Torture me, 2) Kill me, 3) Use me. Although the second one doesn't really make sense because if they wanted to kill me, they would have done it by now. I have a billion questions in my head like "What are they gonna do?", "Are they gonna hurt me?", and so forth. I suddenly felt something on my head at first it was ice because it was cold and it felt like an ice bag but, then I felt something else.

What I felt wasn't something normal unless somebody cares about you and loves you, that they are also scared of losing you. After the bag was removed I felt something warmer touch my head and my face, it was a someone else's hand and it was soft and warm. They were touching me like they cared about me and they were scared of anything happening to me also like they wanted me to wake up. For some reason I started to more and open my eyes and when I was gonna open them, someone else came in the room. I think it was a doctor or something because they spoke in a serious and soft voice, asking if I woke up already already or if I made any movement.

I don't know why but, the person who was with me said "No, she hasn't made any kind of movement yet." So the "doctor" then left and the first thing that I see when I open my eyes is Mikasa's face looking sad and worried as ever. Something inside of me made me move my arm and when I touched her I saw her look up at me with those beautiful gray eyes of hers. For some reason at that moment I realized that I never want to see Mikasa have that sad or worried look of hers ever again. I was feeling different like I wanted to protect her, take care of her, look after her, and my heart was also beating fast when she look at my with her eyes. In my head I asked myself this one simple and complicated question "What are my true feelings about how I feel with Mikasa deep inside?"

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